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Update to GeckoView Release 125.0.20240419144423 on releases_v125 #6081
firefoxci-taskcluster / build-components-browser-menu
Apr 19, 2024 in 18m 42s
FirefoxCI (push)
Execute Gradle tasks for component "browser-menu" (Treeherder push)
View task in Taskcluster
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Test result files
(404 if compilation failed)
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.368Z] TEST: trying to open a new menu when we already have one will dismiss the current
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.368Z] I/AssetManager: no overlays.list file found
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.368Z] W/PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>: queries at /builds/worker/checkouts/vcs/android-components/components/browser/menu/build/intermediates/apk_for_local_test/releaseUnitTest/apk-for-local-test.ap_ Binary XML file line #14
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.368Z] W/PackageParser: No actions in intent filter at /builds/worker/checkouts/vcs/android-components/components/browser/menu/build/intermediates/apk_for_local_test/releaseUnitTest/apk-for-local-test.ap_ Binary XML file line #56
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.368Z] W/PackageParser: No actions in intent filter at /builds/worker/checkouts/vcs/android-components/components/browser/menu/build/intermediates/apk_for_local_test/releaseUnitTest/apk-for-local-test.ap_ Binary XML file line #64
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.368Z] W/PackageParser: No actions in intent filter at /builds/worker/checkouts/vcs/android-components/components/browser/menu/build/intermediates/apk_for_local_test/releaseUnitTest/apk-for-local-test.ap_ Binary XML file line #72
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.368Z] E/ThemeUtils: View class androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatImageView is an AppCompat widget that can only be used with a Theme.AppCompat theme (or descendant).
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.368Z] E/ThemeUtils: View class androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatImageView is an AppCompat widget that can only be used with a Theme.AppCompat theme (or descendant).
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.368Z] E/ThemeUtils: View class androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatImageView is an AppCompat widget that can only be used with a Theme.AppCompat theme (or descendant).
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.368Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.368Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.368Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.368Z] SUITE:
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.368Z] TEST: GIVEN a reverseLayout menu WHEN getY is called THEN it returns 0 as the translation to be set for the sticky item
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.767Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.768Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.768Z] TEST: GIVEN scrollToIndicatedPositionWithOffset WHEN called with a position equal to stickyItemPosition THEN will scroll to that position
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.768Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.768Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.768Z] TEST: GIVEN scrollToIndicatedPositionWithOffset WHEN called with a position smaller than stickyItemPosition which is displayed THEN will scroll to that
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.768Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.768Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.768Z] TEST: GIVEN stickyItemPosition not set WHEN shouldStickyItemBeShownForCurrentPosition is called THEN it returns false
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.768Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.768Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.768Z] TEST: GIVEN a default layout menu WHEN getY is called THEN it returns the translation needed to push the sticky item to the top
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.768Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.768Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.768Z] TEST: GIVEN scrollToIndicatedPositionWithOffset WHEN called with a position bigger than stickyItemPosition THEN will scroll to that position
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.768Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.768Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.768Z] TEST: GIVEN scrollToIndicatedPositionWithOffset WHEN called with a position smaller than stickyItemPosition THEN will scroll to after that
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.768Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.768Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.768Z] TEST: GIVEN sticky item being scrolled downwards offscreen WHEN shouldStickyItemBeShownForCurrentPosition is called THEN it returns true
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.768Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.768Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.768Z] TEST: GIVEN sticky item shown WHEN shouldStickyItemBeShownForCurrentPosition is called THEN it checks the item above the sticky one
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.768Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.768Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.768Z] TEST: GIVEN sticky item being the last shown item WHEN shouldStickyItemBeShownForCurrentPosition is called THEN it returns true
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.768Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.768Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.768Z] TEST: GIVEN sticky item not shown WHEN shouldStickyItemBeShownForCurrentPosition is called THEN it checks the bottom most item
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.768Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.768Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.768Z] TEST: GIVEN sticky item being scrolled upwards from the bottom WHEN shouldStickyItemBeShownForCurrentPosition is called THEN it returns false
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.768Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.768Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.768Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.768Z] SUITE:
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.768Z] TEST: GIVEN scrollToIndicatedPositionWithOffset WHEN called with a position equal to stickyItemPosition THEN will scroll to before that
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.768Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.768Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.768Z] TEST: GIVEN items above the sticky item shown at top but ofsetted offscreen WHEN shouldStickyItemBeShownForCurrentPosition is called THEN it returns true
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.867Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.868Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.868Z] TEST: GIVEN a default layout menu WHEN getY is called THEN it returns 0 as the translation to be set for the sticky item
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.868Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.868Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.868Z] TEST: GIVEN stickyItemPosition not set WHEN shouldStickyItemBeShownForCurrentPosition is called THEN it returns false
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.868Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.868Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.868Z] TEST: GIVEN scrollToIndicatedPositionWithOffset WHEN called with a position smaller than stickyItemPosition THEN will scroll to that position
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.868Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.868Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.868Z] TEST: GIVEN items below the sticky item are scrolled upwards offscreen WHEN shouldStickyItemBeShownForCurrentPosition is called THEN it returns true
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.868Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.868Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.868Z] TEST: GIVEN the sticky item is shown below the top of the list WHEN shouldStickyItemBeShownForCurrentPosition is called THEN it returns false
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.868Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.868Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.868Z] TEST: GIVEN a reverseLayout menu WHEN getY is called THEN it returns the translation needed to push the sticky item to the top
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.868Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.868Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.868Z] TEST: GIVEN the top item is the sticky one WHEN shouldStickyItemBeShownForCurrentPosition is called THEN it returns true
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.868Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.868Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.868Z] TEST: GIVEN scrollToIndicatedPositionWithOffset WHEN called with a position bigger than stickyItemPosition THEN will scroll to before that
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.868Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.868Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.868Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.868Z] SUITE:
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.868Z] TEST: GIVEN a SILLM WHEN is called with a new position and offset THEN they are cached in scrollPosition and scrollOffset properties
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.868Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.868Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.868Z] TEST: GIVEN sticky item is not null WHEN scrollToPositionWithOffset is called THEN scrollToIndicatedPositionWithOffset is delegated
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.967Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.968Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.968Z] TEST: GIVEN a SILLM WHEN onRestoreInstanceState is called with a null state THEN scrollPosition and scrollOffset are left unchanged
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.968Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.968Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:01.968Z] TEST: GIVEN a SILLM WHEN recycleStickyItem is called THEN the view holder is reset and allowed to be recycled
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.167Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.168Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.168Z] TEST: WHEN get is called for a reversed StickyItemPlacement#BOTTOM layout manager THEN a StickyFooterLinearLayoutManager is returned
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.168Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.168Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.168Z] TEST: GIVEN sticky item should be shown and it's view exists WHEN updateStickyItem is called THEN the stickyItemView gets set a new Y translation
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.168Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.168Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.168Z] TEST: GIVEN sticky item is not null WHEN scrollToPosition is called THEN it calls scrollToPositionWithOffset with INVALID_OFFSET
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.168Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.168Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.168Z] TEST: GIVEN no pending scroll WHEN bindStickyItem is called for a new View THEN no OnGlobalLayoutListener is set
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.267Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.268Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.268Z] TEST: GIVEN a SILLM WHEN setAdapter is called with a new valid adapter THEN the current adapter is reset
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.368Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.368Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.368Z] TEST: GIVEN a SILLM WHEN findLastVisibleItemPosition is called THEN it detaches the sticky item to call the super method
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.368Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.368Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.368Z] TEST: GIVEN sticky item should be shown WHEN updateStickyItem is called while not layout THEN bindStickyItem is not called
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.368Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.368Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.368Z] TEST: GIVEN a SILLM WHEN findFirstVisibleItemPosition is called THEN it detaches the sticky item to call the super method
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.368Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.368Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.368Z] TEST: GIVEN a SILLM WHEN onLayoutChildren is called while not in preLayout THEN it execute the super with the sticky item detached and updates stickyItem
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.467Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.468Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.468Z] TEST: GIVEN a SILLM WHEN a new instance is contructed THEN it has specific default values
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.468Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.468Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.468Z] TEST: GIVEN an ItemPositionsAdapterDataObserver WHEN onItemRangeMoved is called THEN handleChange() is delegated
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.468Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.468Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.468Z] TEST: WHEN get is called for a not reversed StickyItemPlacement#TOP layout manager THEN a StickyHeaderLinearLayoutManager is returned
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.468Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.468Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.468Z] TEST: GIVEN a SILLM WHEN getAdapterPositionForItemIndex is called with a index for which there is no bound view THEN it returns -1
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.468Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.468Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.468Z] TEST: GIVEN an ItemPositionsAdapterDataObserver WHEN onItemRangeRemoved is called THEN handleChange() is delegated
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.468Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.468Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.468Z] TEST: GIVEN sticky item is null WHEN scrollToPosition is called THEN scrollToPositionWithOffset is not called
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.468Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.468Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.468Z] TEST: GIVEN sticky item should be shown and exists WHEN updateStickyItem is called THEN another stickyItemView is not created
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.468Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.468Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.468Z] TEST: GIVEN a SILLM WHEN onLayoutChildren is called while in preLayout THEN it execute the super with the sticky item detached and not updates stickyItem
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.468Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.468Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.468Z] TEST: GIVEN a pending scroll WHEN bindStickyItem is called for a new View THEN a OnGlobalLayoutListener is set
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.468Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.468Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.468Z] TEST: GIVEN A SILLM WHEN scrollVerticallyBy is called THEN it detaches the sticky item to scroll using parent and not updates the sticky item
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.468Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.468Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.468Z] TEST: WHEN get is called for a not reversed StickyItemPlacement#BOTTOM layout manager THEN a StickyFooterLinearLayoutManager is returned
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.468Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.468Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.468Z] TEST: GIVEN an ItemPositionsAdapterDataObserver WHEN calculateNewStickyItemPosition is called for a bottom item the sticky position is last in adaptor
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.468Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.468Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.468Z] TEST: GIVEN a SILLM WHEN setAdapter is called with a null argument THEN the current adapter and stickyItem are set to null
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.468Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.468Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.468Z] TEST: GIVEN an ItemPositionsAdapterDataObserver WHEN handleChange is called THEN the sticky item is updated
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.468Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.468Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.468Z] TEST: GIVEN a SILLM WHEN onAttachedToWindow called THEN it calls super and sets the new adapter
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.867Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.867Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.868Z] TEST: GIVEN sticky item is null WHEN onFocusSearchFailed is called THEN it detaches the sticky item to call the super method
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.868Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.868Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.868Z] TEST: GIVEN a SILLM WHEN computeVerticalScrollExtent is called THEN it detaches the sticky item to call the super method
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.868Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.868Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.868Z] TEST: GIVEN a SILLM WHEN getAdapterPositionForItemIndex is called with a index of an existing view THEN it returns it's absoluteAdapterPosition
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.967Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.968Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.968Z] TEST: GIVEN a SILLM WHEN onSaveInstanceState called THEN it returns a new SavedState with the scroll data
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.968Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.968Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.968Z] TEST: GIVEN a SILLM WHEN computeVerticalScrollRange is called THEN it detaches the sticky item to call the super method
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.968Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.968Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.968Z] TEST: GIVEN a SILLM WHEN computeScrollVectorForPosition is called THEN it detaches the sticky item to call the super method
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.968Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.968Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.968Z] TEST: GIVEN a SILLM WHEN findFirstCompletelyVisibleItemPosition is called THEN it detaches the sticky item to call the super method
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.968Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.968Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.968Z] TEST: GIVEN sticky item should not be shown WHEN updateStickyItem is called THEN the stickyItemView is recycled
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.968Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.968Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.968Z] TEST: GIVEN a SILLM WHEN restoreView is called with a method parameter THEN the sticky item is detached, method executed, item reattached
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.968Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.968Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.968Z] TEST: GIVEN an ItemPositionsAdapterDataObserver WHEN calculateNewStickyItemPosition is called for a top item the sticky position is first in adaptor
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.968Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.968Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.968Z] TEST: GIVEN sticky item should be shown WHEN updateStickyItem is called while layout THEN bindStickyItem is called
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.968Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.968Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.968Z] TEST: GIVEN an ItemPositionsAdapterDataObserver WHEN onChanged is called THEN handleChange() is delegated
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.968Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.968Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.968Z] TEST: GIVEN a SILLM WHEN findLastCompletelyVisibleItemPosition is called THEN it detaches the sticky item to call the super method
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.968Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.968Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.968Z] TEST: GIVEN an ItemPositionsAdapterDataObserver WHEN onItemRangeInserted is called THEN handleChange() is delegated
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.968Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.968Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.968Z] TEST: GIVEN a SILLM WHEN bindStickyItem is called for a new View THEN the view is measured and layout
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.968Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.968Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.968Z] TEST: GIVEN a SILLM WHEN computeVerticalScrollOffset is called THEN it detaches the sticky item to call the super method
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.968Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.968Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.968Z] TEST: WHEN get is called for a reversed StickyItemPlacement#TOP layout manager THEN a StickyHeaderLinearLayoutManager is returned
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.968Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.968Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.968Z] TEST: GIVEN sticky item should be shown and not exists WHEN updateStickyItem is called THEN a new stickyItemView is created
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.968Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.968Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.968Z] TEST: GIVEN a SILLM WHEN measureAndLayout is called for a new View THEN it is measured and layout
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.968Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.968Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.968Z] TEST: GIVEN SILLM WHEN createStickyView is called THEN a new View is created and cached in stickyItemView
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.968Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.968Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.968Z] TEST: GIVEN a SILLM WHEN onRestoreInstanceState is called with a new state THEN it updates scrollPosition and scrollOffset
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.968Z] SUCCESS
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:02.968Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:03.568Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:03.568Z] > Task :browser-menu:jacocoReleaseTestReport SKIPPED
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:03.568Z] > Task :browser-menu:jacocoDebugTestReport SKIPPED
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:03.667Z] > Task :browser-menu:lintReportRelease
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:03.668Z] > Task :browser-menu:lintRelease
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:03.767Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:03.768Z] Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 9.0.
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:03.768Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:03.768Z] You can use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings and determine if they come from your own scripts or plugins.
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:03.768Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:03.768Z] For more on this, please refer to in the Gradle documentation.
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:03.768Z]
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:03.768Z] BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 5m 16s
[task 2024-04-19T18:43:03.768Z] 932 actionable tasks: 663 executed, 269 from cache
[fetches 2024-04-19T18:43:04.187Z] removing /builds/worker/fetches
[fetches 2024-04-19T18:43:05.107Z] finished
[taskcluster 2024-04-19 18:43:05.540Z] === Task Finished ===
[taskcluster 2024-04-19 18:43:08.086Z] Artifact "public/reports/jacoco" not found at "/builds/worker/checkouts/vcs/android-components/components/browser/menu/build/reports/jacoco": (HTTP code 404) no such container - Could not find the file /builds/worker/checkouts/vcs/android-components/components/browser/menu/build/reports/jacoco in container 8313da00c29c8e6ccbd5c5b200ffddfb5b013ba494d189d39837c01d6e77d917
[taskcluster 2024-04-19 18:43:12.808Z] Successful task run with exit code: 0 completed in 406.821 seconds