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Landing page redesign experiment #10480

Landing page redesign experiment

Landing page redesign experiment #10480

Workflow file for this run

name: No unresolved conflicts
branches: [ main, localization ]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: List files with merge conflict markers
# Encode conflict markers so this file does not trigger git's conflict detection.
run: git --no-pager grep "$(echo 'PDw8PDw8PAo=' | base64 -d)" ":(exclude).github/" || true
- name: Fail or succeed job if any files with merge conflict markers have been checked in
# Find lines containing conflict markers then count the number of lines.
# 0 matching lines results in exit code 0, i.e. success.
run: exit $(git grep "$(echo 'PDw8PDw8PAo=' | base64 -d)" ":(exclude).github/" | wc --lines)