A client side recreation of the hacking minigame Breach Protocol, from the popular game Cyberpunk 2077. Play Here
- Comprehensive recreation, feels familiar to anyone who has played before.
- Includes all major and minor details (such as dynamic highlighting).
- Generates a new code matrix and unique, randomised solution for every game.
- Solve button which finds a possible solution to the puzzle.
- Difficulty selector for people after a challenge.
- Animations reminiscent of the original.
- How to play modal to explain the game to new players.
Core technologies used are:
- React
- Typescript
- Tailwind CSS
- Framer motion
- Vite
- Git for source control
- Deployed with Vercel
- Node.js
To run the dev server:
npm run dev
Navigate to http://localhost:5173/ to view the application locally.
Note: This project does not have a license.