- There are two roles, admin and user, with the E Tickets application.
- Admin can see the user list. Can see purchased tickets.
- Admin can add, edit and delete directors, movies, actors and movies.
- User can list movies.
- User can add the movie he wants to buy to his cart and pay with paypal.
#Prerequisites and Installation Actually, running the project is quite simple. To run and use the application successfully, you need to have the latest dotnet sdk installed on your computer. Then you need to have a Sql Server database for the database. If you have completed your installations completely, the first thing you need to do is to add migration, you can do this with the help of the "migrations add InitialCreate" command in the Package Manager Console. Then you can use the "update-database" command to install our database via this migration file. Add-Migration InitialCreate Update-Database
Id | Technologies |
1 | .NET Core MVC |
2 | MsSQL |
3 | JS |
4 | HTML5 |
5 | CSS |
Actually, running the project is quite simple. To run and use the application successfully, you need to have the latest dotnet sdk installed on your computer. Then you need to have a Sql Server database for the database. If you have completed your installations completely, the first thing you need to do is to add migration, you can do this with the help of the "migrations add InitialCreate" command in the Package Manager Console. Then you can use the "update-database" command to install our database via this migration file.
Email : admin@gmail.com Parola : 123456aA@
Email : user@gmail.com Parola : 123456aA@
We can login using these Emails. To create a new user, we can create a new user by selecting the register option.