- React was created by Jordan Walke
- Dev Build
- Local Server
- HMR = Hot Module Replacement
- File Watching Algoirthim - C++
- Caching - Faster builds
- Image Optimization
- Minification
- Bundling
- Compress
- Diagnostics
- Error handeling
- Multi core
- Tree shaking
- Consistet Hashig
- constructor
- render
- componentWillMount
- componentDidMount
- componentShouldUpdate
- componentDidUpdate
- commmponentwillUnmount
Statefull and Stateless components?
Diffrence between controlled and uncontrolled components?
What are diffrent lifecycle hooks?
Explain working of Redux.
What are the major features of React?
- Uses JSX syntax, a syntax extension of JS that allows developers to write HTML in their JS code.
- It uses Virtual DOM instead of Real DOM considering that Real DOM manipulations are expensive.
- Supports server-side rendering which is useful for Search Engine Optimizations(SEO).
- Follows Unidirectional or one-way data flow or data binding.
- Uses reusable/composable UI components to develop the view.
What is JSX
- Its a Syntactic Sugar.
What is the difference between Element and Component? Element is an object AND component is an function
Diffrence between usememo and React .memo
- React.memo() is a higher-order component
What are synthetic events in React?
What is the difference between Shadow DOM and Virtual DOM?
What is the difference between createElement and cloneElement?
Does the lazy function support named exports? No
Why React uses className over class attribute? because 'class' is already a keyword in javascript.
What are Fragments? <> </>
What are portals in React? Portal is a recommended way to render children into a DOM node that exists outside the DOM hierarchy of the parent component.
ReactDOM.createPortal(child, container);
What is the use of react-dom package?
What is ReactDOMServer? to use react components on server
renderToString renderToStaticMarkup
How to enable production mode in React?
React Mixin & React hook.
Are custom DOM attributes supported in React v16?
How to add Google Analytics for React Router?
Is it possible to use async/await in plain React?
Why are 2 react script files imported ?
why do we write crossorigin in script tag ? to tell browser that we need to send credentials or nor ( ananomous , use-credentials ) are the two possible values.
What is State in React and how do you manage it?
- Error Boundries