It helps to keep your job application history in MongoDB. Each history item has job title, company, location, apply link, apply date and status. It can show the list using pagination, and filter the list by entered keyword. Besides, it supports batch import and export in CSV.
Step 1: Create a free account in Mongo DB (
Step 2: Download or clone the source code from GitHub to a local machine
Make sure you have Java 17 and Maven 3.9 installed.
Step 3: edit the in backend/src/main/resources to set the mongodb_uri, something look like:
Step 4: mvn clean install
Step 5: mvn spring-boot:run
Make sure you have Node.js and npm installed, as well as Angular/cli (e.g., version 16).
Step 6: npm install -g @angular/cli
Step 7: nnpm install bootstrap typescript
Step 8: npm install -g file-saver --save
Step 9: npm install
Step 10: ng serve
From the browser call the endpoint http://localhost:4200/. You should get something like this: