#One day of code
###Learn by Doing / 实践出真知
##5th, March, 2017
###9:30AM Welcome 活动开场
Setup of the computers
- Installation of Sublime
- Chrome/Safari
###10:00AM/10:30AM Internet culture 互联网文化
- What is a static site, a server, a webapp ?
- Front & Back-end demystified: what are the modern programming languages and their uses?
####GroupChat app: specifications of the webapp we will code during the day!
GroupChat is a one-page web app to communicate with your classmates within any browser (Weixin, Chrome...)
- The list of messages are ordered by time
- All visitors have the permissions to write and send messages
###10:30AM/1:00PM Front-end workshop 前端开发工作坊
=> 1.5 hour of lecture
- HTML5 & CSS3 class
- Resources & tips for effective web-design
- Live-code a GroupChat app: List of chats, form to submit text, look&feel
=> 1 hour workshop
- Code your own H5 WeChat page for the GroupChat app
###1:00/2:00PM Lunch 午餐
###下午 2:00/2:30PM Technical workflows of startups 技术工作流程
- git, Github and how to manage versions
- Deployment to production & continuous delivery (Heroku)
- The tech workflows of best startups
###2:30/4:30PM Introduction to APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) 什么是APIs
1.30 hour course
- API: the secret of automation for rapid scale
- The HTTP protocol
- Javascript/jQuery, JSON
- Live-code a Chat API to the GroupChat thanks to Le Wagon Chat APIs
half hour assignment
- Integrate the Chat API on their own project
###5:00/6:00PM Back-end live-code 后端系统工作坊
- Ruby introduction
- Ruby API using Grape
- Censorship system!!!
- Push to Heroku
###6:00PM Conclusion 回顾总结
Drinks with the participants