This repository contains the following folders and files:
The Architecture
folder contains the Azure Architecture of the Kubernetes Cluster.
The Docker
folder contains Dockerfiles for the runner images. These Dockerfiles define the environment and dependencies required for executing pipelines in Azure DevOps.
The Helm-Chart
folder includes template and configuration files for the DevOps agents and autoscaling using Keda. These files provide the necessary configuration for deploying and scaling the agents within the Kubernetes cluster using Helm.
The Terraform
folder contains the code necessary to deploy the Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) and Azure Container Registry (ACR).
The azure-pipelines-terraform.yml
file is a YAML file for continuous integration and continuous delivery of the Terraform IaC.
The azure-pipelines-test.yml
file is a YAML file for testing Azure DevOps pipelines on multiple containers.
The Thesis
folder contains my Master 1 thesis written in French for my school Efrei Paris.