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Readble time formats for moment. A moment plugin


Readable Date

Just call moment().readableDate() and it returns a string in a human-readable format, correct to day.

You can pass options to this function. Following are available options:

  • defaultFormat: The format to use for a ordinary date. If this is set, the defaultFormat and defaultFormatWithYear of i18n configurations is never used
  • currentWeek: Wether to return the day of the week if the given moment and the current moment are in the same week
  • nextWeek: Wether to return the day of the week if the given moment is in the next week of today
  • lastWeek: Wether to return the day of the week if the given moment is in the previous week of today


Define a locale

The locale definations of moment.js cannot satisfy the requirement of moment-readable.js, so moment.readable has its own locale defination.

The function moment.readable.defineLocale defines a locale for moment.readable. It demands 2 arguments, the abbreviation of the locale and the configurations. Available configurations are:

  • yesterday: Localized phrase of "Yesterday"
  • tomorrow: Localized phrase of "Tomorrow"
  • today: Localized phrase of "Today"
  • thisWeek: Localized phrase of "This Week"
  • nextWeek: Localized phrase of "Next Week"
  • lastWeek: Localized phrase of "Last Week"
  • thisWeekdays: Localized phrases of the seven days in this week, joined by '_'
  • nextWeekdays: Localized phrases of the seven days in next week, joined by '_'
  • lastWeekdays: Localized phrases of the seven days in previous week, joined by '_'
  • defaultFormat: default format to for a ordinary date which is in the same year with current moment
  • defaultFormatWithYear: default format to for a ordinary date which is not in the same year with current moment

For example, to define a new locale for spanish, just:

moment.readable.defineLocale('sp', {
	yesterday: 'ayer',
	tomorrow: 'mañana',
	today: 'hoy',
	thisWeek: 'esta semana',
	nextWeek: 'la próxima semana',
	lastWeek: 'la semana pasada',
	thisWeekdays: 'este domingo_este lunes_este martes_este miércoles_este jueves_este viernes_este sábado',
nextWeekdays: 'el domingo próximo_el lunes próximo_el martes próximo_el miércoles próximo_el jueves próximo_el viernes próximo_el sábado 	próximo',
	lastWeekdays: 'domingo pasado_lunes pasado_martes pasado_miércoles pasado_jueves pasado_viernes pasado_sábado pasado',
	defaultFormat: 'D de MMM',
	defaultFormatWithYear: 'D de MMM YYYY'

Determine the current locale

moment-readable use the locale of moment.