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Final group project for CS237A (Principles of Robot Autonomy I).

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CS237A 2020 Final Project -- Autonomous Food Delivery

This project consisted to 2 phases: exploration phase and delivery phase. Below are brief descriptions of the code.


  • Navigate the city without colliding into obstacles.
  • Record locations of food vendors.


  • Receive and process requests for delivery.
  • Autonomously drive through the city to pick up desired items and deliver them to the goal.


  • Stopping at STOP signs
  • Appropriate Greeting: A “meow” for a cat, a “woof” for a dog, a “hello” for a person.
  • Marking and labelling objects on rviz map!

File Descriptions:

Gazebo Simulation Files:

launch/project_sim.launch: Launches gazebo with a (rough, tentative) model of the final project environment, as well as the core SLAM and detector nodes.

robots/asl_turtlebot.urdf.xacro, turtlebot3_burger.gazebo.xacro, turtlebot3_burger.urdf.xacro: Turtlebot 3D model definitions for gazebo.

world/ Defines 3D model of rough, tentative representation of the final project environment.

Turtlebot Files:

Launch Files:

launch/turtlebot3_bringup_jetson_pi.launch: Launches the core elements of the turtlebot stack (turtlebot drivers, camera, lidar, gmapping, static tf transforms). This should run onboard the jetson.

launch/velodyne_filter.launch: An example of how to filter the point cloud based on spatial coordinates and reflected beam intensity. This is used in conjunction with You can run "rosrun rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure" to change the threshold parameters online.


scripts/ Due to networking limitations, your remote machine cannot access messages directly from the raspberry pi. This node forwards images from the raspberry pi via the jetson to the remote machine.

scripts/ Translates Rviz nav goal clicks (/move_simple_base/goal) to the /cmd_nav topic.

scripts/ Gazebo stop sign detector from HW2. Publishes to /detector/* where * is the detected object label.

scripts/ Runs tensorflow mobilenet model for image classification. Publishes to /detector/* where * is the detected object label. DISCLAIMER: The distance estimation is not always very accurate and is noisy. It subscribes to the /scan which takes the closest point (in xy-distance) from any laserscan ring below the horizontal ring, ignoring all points a threshold z_min below the velodyne as ground points. For the current configuration of the Turtlebot, we have set z_min = 16cm. You can combine the camera and/or point cloud to improve the estimate of the distance.

scripts/ Visualizes camera feed, bounding boxes and confidence for detected objects.

scripts/ Used for motion planning. Performs collision checking on occupancy grids. functions/classes are used by scripts/

scripts/ Alternative teleoperation to standard turtlebot3_teleop.launch.

scripts/ Node that manages point to point robot navigation, uses A* implementation in an MPC framework along with cubic spline interpolation and the differential flatness controller, switching to the pose controller when close to the goal.

scripts/ Utility functions. Currently contains a wrapToPi function, but feel free to add to this.

scripts/ Utility to submit a delivery request. We'll use this to send orders for the project.

Message Definitions:

msg/DetectedObject.msg: Custom message type that describes detected objects. Contains the following fields:

uint32 id - Label identifying number

string name - Name of identified object

float64 confidence - Classification probability

float64 distance - Distance to object (DISCLAIMER: current implementation relies on /scan topic for distance (see and The distance estimation for works in gazebo for stop signs (HW2) but not tested on hardware)

float64 thetaleft - Left bounding ray of object.

float64 thetaright - Right bounding ray of object.

float64[] corners - Corners of bounding box around detected object with respect to the tf camera frame.

msg/DetectedObjectList.msg: Custom message type consisting of a list/array of DetectedObject objects and their names. Contains the following fields:

string[] objects - Array of strings corresponding to object names.

DetectedObject[] ob_msgs - Array of DetectedObject objects.

Tensorflow Models:

The .pb files in the tfmodels folder are "frozen" neural network models, and contain both the structure and the weights of pretrained networks. ssd_mobilenet_v1_coco.pb is a pretrained MobileNet v1 model, while stop_sign_gazebo.pb is a model fine-tuend to detect stop signs in Gazebo. We recommend using ssd_resnet_50_fpn.pb, which is a larger, more accurate and robust model, but does not fit on a GitHub repo and can be downloaded here.

The coco_labels.txt file just contains the mapping from the class number output by the model to human-interpretable labels.

There are many other pretrained models you could use, see the Tensorflow detection model zoo for more.

Other: Script to remote launch nodes on the raspberry pi from the jetson. This overcomes the need to ssh into the raspberry pi separately from the jetson to launch the camera node. This goes in ~/catkin_ws/devel/ on the raspberry pi., Scripts to set your ROS IP settings.

CMakeLists.txt: Make file for the package


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