BookBriefs is a website where users can share the details of books that they read.And everybody else can review and rate the book , also can get the book.
- Nihal roshan Pc (
- Dilshad Kt (
- Mohammed shameel Vk (
- Noof Abdul Raheem Ap (
- A user can browse through any book and able to see the review and rating.
- Everybody can search for a book by Title,Author,Language and Genre.
- Only a registered user can add book , edit book , comment and rate book.
body-parser : 1.19.0,
dotenv : 9.0.2,
ejs : 3.1.6,
express : 4.17.1,
express-ejs-layouts : 2.5.0,
express-session : 1.17.2,
md5 : 2.3.0,
method-override : 3.0.0,
mongoose : 5.12.9
Link to website :
For running locally:
- Clone from git (
- Install npm packages using command(npm install)
- Set enviornment variables.
- Run using command (npm run start)