System Requirements:
- 16 GB RAM
- 12 GB RAM GPU 1080 Ti
- i7-8700 @ 3.20 GHz
- Custom NER, my bachelor year project NER
- Google word2vec
- gensim
- Mallet LDA
- spacy
- nltk
Grouping/classification of 114 instances (for 3 instances blog URL returned no data) of different blogs has to be done in the following way
Marketing | Branding | Growth marketing | Growth strategies | Product Management |
Product discovery | Product Growth | Product Management Fundamentals | Agile principles | Company Culture |
Company Growth | People Management | Startup Fundamentals | Interpersonal skills | Business Fundamentals |
Business Growth | Sales Growth | Investment cycle |
Steps followed in the Machine learning pipeline
- Gather data in
using gather_data.ipynb - Clean data
- Build Feature
- Create Model
- Predict topics
- Map them on actual topics
In order to gather data/blog content, requests
and beautifulSoup4
and simple preprocessing was conducted in gather_data.ipynb
The preprocessing of data, with feature extraction and model creation is done in
Three models were used and compared on Term Document frequency features those were
- lda
- ldamulticore
- lda mallet
The coherence and perplexity scores of each were checked and best model was picked to predict the topic of a given blog. In this case lda mallet showed best coherence of around 0.42. Due to the time constraint this metric could not be improved further.
Lastly, for each blog prominent topics were caluclated and were mapped to given topics, here I have used word2vec. I have calculated the vector of the predicted topic phrase and given topic and using Word Mover's Distance [] calculated document distance. The result are written back to JSON file, articles_topic.json