Releases: nerthul11/AccessRandomizer
Release v1.3.0.3
SHA256: A2316125AB3D2818DEE3E26D40E325E74417368B8059BD19A58C93CF4D0ABA6E
-Fixed a bug that would cause a NRE due to module not using static methods.
-Changed Chain LocationDefs to make them fit into Crossroads for All Majors.
Release v1.3.0.2
SHA256: 107AB8BEB8F3A82BE326AE4DB5175FB223E1E6B401C77B476F0DBE92FE20C29E
- Fixed a bug that prevented Lemm's door from opening with the new settings.
Release v1.3.0.1
SHA256: 6118326538F11B9F031162775DB589F37C7768A0B803FF409D12148666D844A9
- Patched an issue in the nomenclature change from RESPECT -> Mantis_Respect with the MoreDoors interop.
- NPCKeys is now called CustomKeys and has an individual setting for each key.
Release v1.3.0.0
SHA256: 495A45C61915D2114696A0288A3639D0C92F19D9565F03F214631EB9DD11658D
- Added Sly, Bretta and Zote keys.
- Merged them into a setting with Mapper Key & Relic Key.
- Sprite update for Relic key.
Release v1.2.5.2
SHA256: CA5E116A3D637D382CBE60045519ED0AC237AE73891FDA62231E9AC825E79B7A
-Moved module overriding outside of AccessModule, fixing interop with other connections.
Release v1.2.5.1
SHA256: 542F7CE64F7C1587F025D70D18CE5B4CEF9046363DF43296B6A77FADCCACCBE7
-Fixes the module falsely causing problems in vanilla saves.
-Improves FStats integration.
Release v1.2.5.0
SHA256: 2a4b344d970dc83bf7f16d120ee4a314016fe8735496646ef7d1f89adbee876d
-Added Relic Key
-Fixed TRJR false positive issues with Trap Bench.
Release v1.2.4.3
SHA256: b1404cfa972d3b981d41ee63f75bfee1bdbe62226549cf2ff7f9ab9ab1da9932
Release v1.2.4.2
SHA256: c8d1445c3710c593e9360cc00f74e57e88b9828b7363f2a114389ba9df8fca8a
-Fixed Mapper Key sometimes not locking Iselda's door.
Release v1.2.4.1
SHA256: 1266483cb4c62c60fecc5f01654bee9fa4a6f71defd9fa27eac247d18c70323c
-Now instead of spawning a shiny in the floor, the Trap Bench location will grant you the placement items when sitting if the bench is available.
-Split Tram should no longer update the names of the Tram Pass item after closing a save and opening a different one.
-Removed hard dependency on KorzUtils mod.