🚀 What's new?
@torimeyer - Update authentication-domains-saml-sso-scim-more.mdx ->
@bizob2828 - docs: Updated Node.js agent compatibility report ->
@CherylFrankenfield - Update session-replay.mdx ->
@bhecknr - Update product-capability-feature-usage.mdx ->
@bhecknr - Update product-capability-feature-usage.mdx ->
@WriteMayur - Merge pull request #19624 from newrelic/nodejs-compatibility-report/auto-update ->
@WriteMayur - removed the unnecessary sentence ->
@cbehera-newrelic - wip ->
@WriteMayur - fix the vale error ->
@WriteMayur - Merge pull request #19594 from torimeyer/patch-6 ->
@WriteMayur - Fix the lingustic error ->
@WriteMayur - Merge pull request #19627 from bhecknr/patch-77 ->
@cbehera-newrelic - Docs Release note for 21 Dec-2 Jan ->
@WriteMayur - Merge pull request #19626 from CherylFrankenfield/patch-19 ->
@WriteMayur - make the lingustic update ->
@WriteMayur - Merge pull request #19629 from newrelic/docs-release-notes-01-02-2025 ->