Decentralized P2P python based chat app w/ Rooms!!
Fundemantal ideas of project: Every Node keeps a copy of all the chat rooms they create or join in an instance, and whatever rooms someone who points to them as a peer creates,
If everyone leaves a room, as in there is no active connections to the room at any given moment, the room is deleted, so, only active rooms are passed on to future nodes.
Upcoming updates:
- autoamtic node finding, for now if the original peer you pointed to goes down you must manually restart and connect to a live node.
- fancier cli
How to Use:
- Clone Repo and ensure you're using python 3.6+
enter in your peers ip and port
To run Server:
3. python
will instiantiate a server, you will then enter your local ipv4(further details below), or whatever IP you wish to bind the server to and your port , just ensure you have the proper permissions, for local tests, just hit enter and it will automatically use your host address.
[IP] >>>
[PORT] >>>
The IP and port of your peer. If youre node you have two options:
- Sync with another node that already has room and recieve thier chat logs when you enter a room created on thier server
- Sync with yourself by leaving blank and create your own instance
Please note:
You cannot point towards each other for instance, if Person A has Person B as a peer, Person B cannot have Person A as their peer.
Commands :
will give you a prompt to enter a new room ID, it will then change your room.
will disconnect your client from the peer.
Note: Rooms ids can be up to a 64 byte number long
(thats alot of combos)