The official code for CMUA-Watermark: A Cross-Model Universal Adversarial Watermark for Combating Deepfakes (AAAI2022) arxiv. It is based on disrupting-deepfakes .
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We will release our code soon (no later than December 31, 2021).
CMUA-Watermark is a cross-model universal adversarial watermark that can combat multiple deepfake models while protecting a myriad of facial images. With the proposed perturbation fusion strategies and automatic step size tuning, CMUA-Watermark achieves excellent protection capabilities for facial images against four face modification models (StarGAN, AttGAN, AGGAN, HiSD).
Figure 1. Illustration of our CMUA-Watermark. Once the CMUA-watermark has been generated, we can add it directly to any facial image to generate a protected image that is visually identical to the original image but can distort outputs of deepfake models.Figure 2. The quantitative results of CMUA-Watermark.
Prepare the Environment
(option1) install the lib by pip (recommend)
pip install -r requirements.txt
(option2) We also prepare conda environment for you (if you use CUDA 10.0 and conda 4.8.3) : . You can donwload it and unzip in your '/anaconda3/envs/'.
Prepare the Datasets
- download the CelebA datasets:
make sure your floder (e.g. celeba_data) has img_align_celeba and list_attr_celeba.txt.
cd stargan bash celeba
- create the link
ln -s your_path_to_celeba_data ./data
- download the CelebA datasets:
Prepare the Model Weights
For your convenient usage, we prepare the weights download link in PKU disk:
You can first download the weights. Then move the weight files to different floders of different models:
cd CMUA-Watermark # make sure **weights** in this path. # If the paths bellow are not exist, please create the path (e.g., mkdir -p ./stargan/stargan_celeba_256/models). mv ./weights/stargan/* ./stargan/stargan_celeba_256/models mv ./weights/AttentionGAN/* ./AttentionGAN/AttentionGAN_v1_multi/checkpoints/celeba_256_pretrained mv ./weights/HiSD/* ./HiSD mv ./weights/AttGAN/* ./AttGAN/output/256_shortcut1_inject0_none/checkpoint
ATTENTION! The copyright of these weight files belongs to their owners. You needs authorization for commerce, please contact to their owners!
Prepare the CMUA-Watermark (only for inference)
We prepare a CMUA-Watermark for you to test its performance:
# inference in CelebA datasets with 20 images (you can change the test number in
# inference with your own image (one image)
python3 ./demo_input.png # you can change the path with your own image
If your want to try your onw idea, you may need to modify the nni_config.yaml and search_space.json. These two files are the configs of NNI-based search. Thanks to the NNI, you can obtain the visualized results in your browser.
nnictl create --config ./nni_config.yaml
Once you get the best step sizes, you need to modify the default step sizes in setting.json. It must be easy for a smart person like you~
After that,
If you use our code / perturbation, please consider to cite our paper: CMUA-Watermark: A Cross-Model Universal Adversarial Watermark for Combating Deepfakes.
title={Cmua-watermark: A cross-model universal adversarial watermark for combating deepfakes},
author={Huang, Hao and Wang, Yongtao and Chen, Zhaoyu and Zhang, Yuze and Li, Yuheng and Tang, Zhi and Chu, Wei and Chen, Jingdong and Lin, Weisi and Ma, Kai-Kuang},
booktitle={Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence},
The project is only free for academic research purposes, but needs authorization for commerce. For commerce permission, please contact
We use code from StarGAN, GANimation, pix2pixHD, CycleGAN, advertorch, disrupting-deepfakes and nni. These are all great repositories and we encourage you to check them out and cite them in your work.