This repo is both an example and a work in progress. Its recommended only for example purposes rather then a production application.
Also, Its poorly documented.
chmod +x install.sh
./install.sh test-app
docker-compose --project-name 'test-app' up -d
test website: http://localhost/test/index
docker exec -it --user root test-app_php-apache-test-app_1 /bin/bash
docker exec -it --user root mariadb-test-app /bin/bash
mysql -utestuser -ptestpassword testdb
Turn off docker environment
docker-compose -p test-app stop
Turn env back on:
docker-compose -p test-app start
run the app:
./run.sh "php bin/app.php"
test routing:
./run.sh "php bin/app.php admin:test"
- Fill out an env.php file
- ensure
is the document root for apache or nginx