Simple Imageboard using Vue and SpringBoot
- Windows 10
- Java 20
- Gradle 8.3
- Node 18.17.1
- NPM 10.1.0
- Docker 20.10.17
- docker-compose 1.29.2
All commands should be executed from the root project folder
cd docker
docker-compose up
cd frontend
npm install
npm run dev
cd backend
gradlew.bat clean build bootRun
Application will be displayed at http://localhost:5173/
From there you can browse different predefined boards. There is stub data only for Anime board.
You can:
- Browse existing boards and threads
- Create your own thread
- Create new posts in a thread
- Modify and delete posts
- PgAdmin http://localhost:8090
- login:
- password: admin
- Register new postgresql server, host name = aib_data_postgres, username/password = postgres
- MinIO http://localhost:9001
- login: root
- password: password
- post with image (Vue && Spring)
- convert any image to jpg (Spring)
- css refactoring (Vue)
- cors settings (Spring)
- switch to composition API (Vue)
- form validation (Vue)