This is a clone of the Razorpay website created using HTML5, CSS, and Tailwind CSS.
These instructions will help you set up and run the Razorpay clone on your local machine.
Before you begin, make sure you have the following software installed on your system:
- Node.js - To manage and run JavaScript code.
Clone this repository to your local machine using Git: (git clone
Navigate to the project directory: (cd razorpay-clone)
Install the required Node.js modules by running: (npm install) This command will install all the necessary dependencies specified in the package.json file.
Once you have installed the required dependencies, you can run the Razorpay clone using a local development server. Use the following command: (npm start)
This will start a development server, and you can view the Razorpay clone in your web browser by opening http://localhost:3000. Feel free to explore the code and customize the clone as needed for your project.