nOS v0.4.1
What's New?
- Added menu options (macOS only) and shortcut keys to open/close tabs, change tabs, jump to tab, focus the address bar, cancel address bar changes, and zoom in/out.
- Added mouse wheel shortcut for zooming in/out.
- Added mouse button shortcuts for back, forward, & close tab (Windows only).
- Added priority fee amount to send and invoke confirmation dialogs.
- Added GAS claim button to account screen.
- Added
constant to NOS API. - Added current & latest version panel to settings screen.
- Renamed "WIF" to "private key" throughout application.
- Updated help link to open in a new nOS tab when possible (macOS only).
- Updated error page design.
- Fixed first browser navigation after seeing an error page.
- Fixed invocation transactions not using priority fee.
- Fixed inability to change currency settings.
- Fixed context menu functionality lost in previous release.
- Fixed copy button not working on first attempt after registering.
SHA256 Checksums:
- Windows:
- macOS:
- Linux (AppImage):
- Linux (snap):