Oberon PSA Crypto is a software library developed by Oberon microsystems. It implements the PSA Certified Crypto API specification, which aims at standardizing a cryptography API for embedded systems. Oberon PSA Crypto is a lightweight implementation of this API optimized for resource-constrained microcontrollers: it is focused in particular on small memory footprint and high speed in software for hardware that contains only limited – or no – hardware crypto accelerators.
The library is compatible with the PSA Certified Crypto API version as specified in PSA Certified Crypto API 1.2.1 and PAKE extension 1.2 Final 1, and to Arm's Mbed TLS 3.6.2.
The supported crypto feature set is documented in Appendix A: Supported Crypto Features.
The library passes the PSA Certified APIs Architecture Test Suite for cryptographic functions and thereby demonstrates compliance with the standard. See its official PSA Certified Crypto API compliance certificate.
The Oberon PSA Crypto repo is a clone of Arm's MBed TLS repo, with most files that are not needed for PSA Crypto compatibility stripped away. Mbed TLS files that have been modified by Oberon contain a NOTICE line.
The files originating from Mbed TLS are contained in the following subdirectories:
The following directory contains the source code of the Oberon drivers. They depend on the ocrypto library (which is not included in this repo):
The following directory contains the documentation of Oberon PSA Crypto:
For reading the documentation, it is recommended to start with Documentation Overview.
The following directory contains sketches of platform-specific system crypto configurations and mock crypto driver implementations. This code is intended as starting point useful for system crypto configurators, platform integrators and crypto driver developers. They are not intended to be used as production code and no guarantees are given that they can be built and run as is:
The following directory contains a copy of the PSA Certified Functional APIs Architecture Test Suite:
The following directory contains incoming licenses of third-party software or third-party specifications:
You can find more information on licensing and copyrights in documents LICENSING and LICENSE.
The following directory contains a README-SSL
and a CMake file for building the
and ssl_client2
examples and SSL tests from Mbed TLS, using
Oberon PSA Crypto instead of the cryptographic functions from Mbed TLS:
The following file contains the change history of Oberon PSA Crypto:
The following file contains the current software version:
If you want to migrate from Mbed TLS to Oberon PSA Crypto, please see Appendix D: Mbed TLS.
Oberon PSA Crypto can be built and tested on a host with CMake (MacOS/clang
or Windows/MSVC). Mbed TLS Tests have been generated from Mbed TLS
and copied to tests/generated
. Some tests contain bug fixes. The PSA Certified
APIs Architecture Test Suite was copied from the main branch of
CMake version 3.13 or newer.
Compatible ocrypto release version, see CHANGELOG.md.
Functional certification tests for the PSA Certified Crypto API require Python3 and have been tested on MacOS.
Provide the path to ocrypto with CMake via -DOCRYPTO_ROOT=path/to/ocrypto
or copy ocrypto sources with their src
and include
directories to path
in the repository.
Build the source in a separate directory build
from the command line:
cd /path/to/this/repo
cmake -B build -DOCRYPTO_ROOT=path/to/ocrypto
cmake --build build
Supported platforms with demonstration drivers, configurations, and includes
are located in path oberon/platforms
and can be provided to CMake via
Multi-threading support can be enabled with define MBEDTLS_THREADING_C
By default, Oberon PSA Crypto is built for a set of configurations, with PSA-related Mbed TLS tests, a PSA Certified APIs Architecture Test Suite, and in variants with and without multi-threading support based on the POSIX mutex reference implemenentation.
To select for which tests Oberon PSA Crypto is built, the following CMAKE options are provided:
- PSA-related Mbed TLS tests:
- PSA Certified APIs Architecture Test Suite:
- Multi-threading support:
Run all tests from the same build
cd build
ctest -C Debug
Run Mbed TLS PSA tests only:
cd build
ctest -L CONFIG_MBEDTLS_PSA_TESTS --verbose -C Debug
Run PSA certification tests only:
cd build
ctest -L CONFIG_PSA_API_TESTS --verbose -C Debug
Delete the build
rm -rf build
See LICENSING.md file for copyright and licensing information.
The documentation of Oberon PSA Crypto is organized as a sequence of markdown pages. It starts with the Documentation Overview and can be read sequentially. A number of appendices give additional information on special topics.
Oberon PSA Crypto bugs and security vulnerabilities are tracked in document Bug Tracking.