An untyped lambda calculus interpreter written in Scala
This interpreter was written in Scala and is built using the SBT build system. It interprets untyped lambda calculus expressions, and shows each intermediate step that is taken to solving the expression. Alpha transformations and beta reductions are both shown. For the beta reductions, Normal-Order Reduction (left-most & outer-most) was used to reduce the expression into Beta-Normal Form. In addition, a symbol table is implemented in order to save expression results and be able to use them in future expressions. For this very reason dynamic symbol resolution was implemented into the interpreter. The base CFG that was used was as follows:
Since I built the parser myself, I rearranged this CFG to be left recursive and left associative for function definitions and right associative for function applications. It also gave presedence to function application over function definition (function definition is greedy). That produced the following CFG that was used with my LL(1) parser:
| ;
The AST that was implemented in order to reduce the expression into beta normal form was evaluating the AST nodes use the call by value method. Also please note that as input, when inputing a function definition, one can type the following strings to represent lambda: lambda or \ or λ. This interpreter stops expression evaluation if it detects infinite expansion and will alert the user if one is detected, whether as a result of a combinator expression directly, or one defined in the symbol table.
There are four packages in this implementation. The io.raffi.interpreter package holds all the classes that are important in evaluating and manipulating the AST as well as parsing user input in an intermediate parser. The io.raffi.interpreter.ast package holds the AST node classes that contain visitor functions that will aid us in manipulating the expression tree. The io.raffi.interpreter.scope package contains classes that involve working with the symbol table, scopes, and symbols. Finally the io.raffi.interpreter.parser package contains the token definitions, as well as the lexer and parser implementations.
The following table describes the various commands that can be run in respect to the SBT build system. As a side note, all dependencies can be found in the lib folder. I decided not to resolve the dependencies using SBT in order to get a speed increase in compilation time. Please note that optionally sbt "runMain io.raffi.interpreter.Interpreter"
can be executed to run the project.
Description | Command |
Compile Project | sbt compile |
Clean Project | sbt clean |
Run Project | sbt run |
Run Tests | sbt test |
Command | Description |
:about |
Information about the author |
:clear |
Clear the console |
:color |
Syntax highlight based on binding (green is free vars) |
:debug |
Turn on debug mode |
:exit |
Terminate the interpreter |
:global |
Display symbols in global scope |
:help |
Show the help menu |
:history |
Toggle history setting, show beta reduction steps after completion |
:info |
Behind the scenes description |
:quit |
Terminate the interpreter |
:reset |
Clear symbols from the symbol table |
:settings |
Display current settings |
In debug mode, the :color
option and :history
option are turned on. This enables free variable highlighting to be colored in green. Also when the expression is finished evaluating, a complete history of beta reduction (substitutions) are displayed on the screen. To set the interpreter into debug mode type :debug
into the console. This will toggle the debug state.
An example input would be as follows:
λ > lambda x y . x u x
or we can save it into a variable:
λ > variable = lambda x y . x u x
and then later use the result of that expression that was saved into the variable into future expressions:
λ > variable 3
this would result in the following reduction step(s):
λ > variable 3
α (variable 3)
α ((λx.(λy.((x u) x))) 3)
β (λy.((3 u) 3))
Reduced in 1 reduction step(s)
The following sequence will describe the implementation that was used to achieve the desired results.
- Take input from user, if assignment then save expression result into symbol table, else evaluate expression
- Pass input expression into parser which in-turn passes it to the lexer.
- The parser builds an Abstract-Syntax-Tree (AST) while parsing the input data.
- Using this AST pass it to the Evaluator instance, which preforms normal order reduction until expression is in beta normal form.
- The results are printed, and the intermediate steps are as well, including alpha transformations and beta reductions.
As far as I can tell, this implementation has no limitations, and follows all the requirements for an untyped lambda interpreter. With extra features of course.
When programming this project, I used the following interpreter to verify my results: I also adapted some visual implementations based on this online interpreter.