Running the Specs.
Define class and attribute for Room, Apartment and Building
Pretend we have Apartment with monthly rent and number of rooms. We need to find:
- Apartment#total_sqft - total sqft of current apartment.
- Apartment#price_per_sqft - price per sqft of current apartment.
- Apartment#room_count - total number of rooms in apartment.
- Apartment#bedroom_count - number of bedroom in apartment
Now we have Building with many Apartments. We need to find:
- Building#total_room_count - total count rooms in building.
- Building#total_monthly_revenue - total monthly revenue for current building.
- Building#apartments_by_rent - sort apartments by rent.
- Building#find_apartments_by_bedroom_count - find an apartment with a given amount of bedrooms.
- Building#total_sqft - total sqft of all apartments in the current building.