Minecraft bot(s) program written in Javascript using Mineflayer.
Lumberjack command
Mineflayer/Discord.js communication
Disable what the bot is doing before executing the command to prevent it from crashing.
Make the bot walk every 10 minutes to prevent it from getting disconnected and back to its original position.
it being used in game:
what it should look like:
all commands are only runnable by the botowner name
You can also control the bot on https://localhost:5001 - https://localhost:5099 (meaning max 99 bots)
command (args1) = required arguments
command {args1} = not required but allowed
bot show villagers
shows nearby villagers
bot show inventory
shows nearby villagers' trading inventory\
say (message)
makes the bot chat the message
bot comexyz (x) (y) (z)
makes the bot pathfind to the xyz coordinates
bot come (botname), bot come all
makes the bot pathfind to your position
eval (code)
runs a javascript code on the bot. if code errors, it will display in chat
equips best armor. sometimes doesnt wear best armor
bot roam
turns roaming on and off
walk randomly
bot autototem
enables autototem, automatically equips totem
bot autofish
turns autofishing on and off
makes the bot look at water and start auto fishing
bot attack (targetname)
attacks a player using the item currently held by the bot
for better effect, equip a weapon first
line up
makes the bots line up shoulder to shoulder
equipblock (itemname)
equips an item onto the bot's hand
throwblock (itemname)
drops an item from the bot's inventory
tells what item is inside the bot's inventory
bot mine (blockname)
mines the nearest block with that name\