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yet another TTL tester for Arduino Mega

Project Homepage: TTL Tester - Project Homepage

This is a Tester for common TTL Chips (74xx). The Hardware is very simple and based on Arduino MEGA.

TTL Tester auf Slabbi Tester Hardware

Nessecary Hardware:

  • Arduino MEGA
  • Prototype Shield for Mega
  • a ZIF socket
  • a button
  • optionally an LCD display (HD44780 kompatibel)
  • optionally an P-FET and some resistors

DRAM Tester vom vom

Alternativly to build the hardware yourself, you also can use the DRAM tester Revision 4.1 from

This DRAM Tester has same Hardware and can used as TTL tester without any modification.

Supported TTL Chips

Currently this chips are supported from the Arduino Sketch:

14 Pin: 7400,7402,7408,7410,7414,7421,7430,7432,7474,7486,74125,74126,74164

(7414 <-- 7404,7405) -- selber Typ, werden alle als 7414 angezeigt

(7400 <-- 74132)

16 Pin: 74138,74139,74157,74163,74165,74595

20 Pin: 74541,74573

The TTL Tester Software is table driven. You can simply extend the list of supported devices by yourself.

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