This Jupyter Notebook automates the process of downloading, extracting, and visualizing German municipality boundaries along with processing and merging election data.
- Download Municipality Boundaries: Fetches administrative boundaries from the Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie (BKG).
- Extract and Process Shapefiles: Extracts the required shapefile and saves it as GPKG.
- Process Election Data: Cleans and restructures election results from an Excel file.
- Merge Boundaries with Election Data: Joins the processed election data with the municipality shapefile and exports the results as a GeoPackage.
Ensure you have the following Python libraries installed:
pip install geopandas pandas matplotlib tqdm contextily requests
: Raw administrative boundaries.bb_election_results.gpkg
: Processed election data merged with municipality boundaries.
- automating the paths
- wraping it into functions