Author: Omar Olivarez
Last Modified: 05/12/2021
Make a GUI app
That creates a sqlite db upon first open
That takes in a dataframe/csv
You select which column you want to bootstrap
You select how many repetitions you want
Optional: you upload a reps file that says how many reps previously ran
The system will start bootstrapping
And create a table for each new bootstrapping statistic
It will show progress toward your number of reps as a progress bar
It will detect when your battery is running low and automatically stop
Or, you can make it pause after some time (MVP versus previous point is best case scenario)
It will save each rep's values in a python DB
It will generate a reps file that simply contains the number of reps that have already run
When all reps have been completed, it will calculate the statistic, st dev, and CIs
It will output these measures into a text file