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Release 0.8.1

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@mwatts15 mwatts15 released this 19 Jun 02:13
· 515 commits to master since this release

This release introduces contexts, which provide a generic means of grouping statements, relating dependent groups of statements, and making further statements about groups of statements such as provenance. The addition of contexts introduces new syntax as well as some distinct ways of interacting with RDF graphs from Python. The documentation is the best place to learn about the new syntax.

This release also includes a high-level interface to some functions of PyOpenWorm and a command line interface on top of that. Currently, this interface provides a means to download graphs from and share graphs to Git repositories.

In detail...

New Features

  • Contexts: A grouping mechanism for statements. Allows to make statements
    about statements and, in particular, to make statements referring to
    supporting documentation for a group of statements.
  • DataSource and DataTranslator: Framework for describing translation from raw
    data to PyOpenWorm objects
  • POW CLI: A new command line tool. Currently only clone and init work
    fully as intended. commit works mostly as intended.
  • Support for resolving system environment variables in configuration files
  • Python 3.6 support


  • Allowing to manually pull information from remote resources in Document
    (formerly Evidence) initialization: allows for more uniform handling of
    DataObject __init__s
  • Properties can be defined in class body: Previously it was necessary to
    define properties in the __init__ method. Now they can be defined in the
    class body, where they are accessible with docstrings. This also means no
    boilerplate owner=self

Infrastructure / Development

  • Fewer manual steps for API doc generation
  • Restoring code coverage reporting
  • Removing Code Climate integration: After looking at what Code Climate flags,
    thinking about how contributions come into PyOpenWorm, and expected features,
    it does not seem like the right kind of analysis
  • Changing to for documentation (at least temporarily)