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16 repositories
Public[TPAMI'2024] Multi-sensor Learning Enables Information Transfer across Different Sensory Data and Augments Multi-modality ImagingMulT-EHR
Public[Neural Networks'24] Multi-task Heterogeneous Graph Learning on Electronic Health RecordsHIGT
Public[MICCAI'23] HIGT: Hierarchical Interaction Graph-Transformer for Whole Slide Image AnalysiscDPMIL
Public[ECCV'24] cDP-MIL: Robust Multiple Instance Learning via Cascaded Dirichlet ProcessGEM-3D
PublicGenerative Enhancement for 3D Medical ImagesPAM
Public[TMI'24] Histopathology Whole Slide Image Analysis with Heterogeneous Graph Representation LearningMGCA
Public[NeurIPS'22] Multi-Granularity Cross-modal Alignment for Generalized Medical Visual Representation LearningEndoGS
Public[AAAI'23] MulGT: Multi-task Graph-Transformer with Task-aware Knowledge Injection and Domain Knowledge-driven Pooling for Whole Slide Image Analysisbnn_uncertainty
Public[NeurIPS'23] Adaptive Uncertainty Estimation via High-Dimensional Testing on Latent RepresentationsConSlide
Public[ICCV'23] ConSlide: Asynchronous Hierarchical Interaction Transformer with Breakup-Reorganize Rehearsal for Continual Whole Slide Image AnalysisWSI-HGNN
Public[CVPR'23] Histopathology Whole Slide Image Analysis with Heterogeneous Graph Representation Learning