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Designer & Developer
Dimitris K dkoupats
From Greece. Actively interested in data science and web development.

Data Hermeneutics Greece

Nestor Vera hacknug
I wish @github would allow underscores on user names 😢

Freelance Barcelona

reakise reakise
beginner - creative coding
Byungwoo Kim byungwoo733
I`m Independent Game Developer and NGO (Open Source Project) Activist

Spread Wing Studio Yeoju, Republic of Korea

kire 📚 PollinaKire-FS
full time dev & student at Full Sail University
Jeeva T jeevat0123
Senior Software Engineer@Beezlabs

@beezlabs-org Chennai

Oebelus oebelus
Just making stuff ^_^
Manuel Sanchez manuelsanchez2
Main: Web & Game Dev at Zeit Online Secondary: Content Creator in Spanish

Zeit Online Hamburg

Justin xonnu
UI/UX Developer

Keev Inc. Quezon City, Philippines

Francisco Wallison FranciscoWallison
Sempre à procura de novos conhecimentos. Iniciante no mundo do desenvolvimento estou sempre me propondo á novos desafios.

@MVP Fortaleza,CE,Brazil

Allard Plaggenborg doingz

doingz Rotterdam, Netherlands

Gui Santos guiofsaints
Father, early adopter, loves soda and engineering.

@platformrocks @careertopologies Brazil

Todor Imreorov blurymind
2d/3d game animator/artist Blog:

me Hebden Bridge, United Kingdom

Andrew Wooldridge triptych
Javascript developer. RPG fan. Storyteller and game developer. Father and Husband.

eBay Oregon

Rish rish

United Kingdom

Ahmed Ahmad3366
a guy just wondering around... | junior web developer 👨🏾‍💻 | React dev ⚛️


Creator of ChubML, a better way build Markup. | Welcome ChubML 2

@spcfork CANADA, ONT.

RaycatWhoDat RaycatWhoDat
Web/desktop game dev. Ambitious creative-type. Labyrinth of the Limitless.

@MaskedCatStudios Chicago, IL

DaInfLoop DaInfLoop
funny developer online (debated)

@hackclub UK

amyspark-ng amyspark-ng
that one girl that codes and makes games
Marc Flerackers mflerackers
Software developer. Formerly business applications, animation tools, VOIP and video streaming. Now Games, game engines and servers.


Eli Cardoso niceEli
idk what to write here, ig im good at programming, hopefully i get a good job eventually. im part of the @kaplayjs team which means im a developer of kaplay.

Ontario, Canada

Daniel Báez lajbel
Web Development, Games and Game Engine creation (@kaplayjs) . TypeScript | Unity | Node.js

Argentina, Buenos Aires

Dani Maulana dfsdanimaulana
Javascript is not a language, its a passion

DNM Company Indonesia

Thomas thewrath
Software engineer at Videor software. I work professionally with C# and with a variety of technology on my free time. Fascinated by graphic development.

Videor Software France

tga slmjkdbtl
