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tmplits 0.1.2

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @loupeteam/tmplits@0.1.2
Install via package.json:
"@loupeteam/tmplits": "0.1.2"

About this version

Publish Tmplit

Dynamic templating based on handlebars

This is the core library for the tmplit system

Minimal HTML page:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">


	<!-- Make the entire app run from within the node modules folder -->
	<base href="./node_modules/">



	<!-- Begin page content - This is a placeholder that tmplits will load the page into after loading-->
	<div class="container" id="main">


	<!-- we require manually loading  before the tmplit system handlebars -->
	<script src="handlebars/dist/handlebars.min.js" ></script>

	<!--Default tmplit setup, you may need to copy this file 
		into your app and modify it if you have a special case-->
	<script src="@loupeteam/tmplits/index.js" type="module"></script>



Installing Tmplits

Tmplits can be installed using

lpm install tmplits-[tmplitname]

Using installed tmplits

Tmplit system will search for installed tmplits in the order:

  1. tmplits.json
  2. package.json
  3. package-lock.json

The name of the tmplit when installed can be referenced using:


The tmplits built are built using handlebars, so you can use them like any handlebars template

If it is a template (Defined in a *.handlebars using html) use

{{> tmplitname}}

If it is a tmplit (Defined in *.js using javascript) use

{{w "CustomTmplit"}}

loading a page

By default, after loading the tmplit system, the start page will be loaded into the start container. This is defined in the tmplits.json

    "startPage" : {
        "name": "mainLayout", //Template named mainLayout will be loaded into the
        "container" : "main", //container named main

Publishing a new tmplit release

Pushing to main with an updated package.json version will publish automatically using github actions

To manually publish:

lpm publish


This project is licensed under the [MIT License]LICENSE.



  • tmplits-0.1.2.tgz

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