- Notification action "Exit" not terminating service when not in focus. - @LossyDragon @oxters168
- Proper fix for library padding crash from 1.3.1 hotfix. - @LossyDragon
- Left pane in a 2-Pane layout should fill the width properly (Library and Friends list) - @LossyDragon
- Hide keyboard when pressing search/enter button. - @LossyDragon
- Fix family shared games missing from library list @LossyDragon @oxters168
- New app icon/logo by @Prowi3 Huge THANK YOU for this awesome icon!
- Apply new icons for Pluvia. - @LossyDragon @oxters168
- Expose some debug options in Settings. - @LossyDragon
- Friends list now shows game names. - @LossyDragon
- "Family" filter item for library list - @LossyDragon
Dependency Updates:
- JavaSteam 1.6.1 with Family Sharing support and misc fixes.
Full Changelog: v1.3.1...v1.3.2