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Trackpad edited this page Jun 12, 2023 · 6 revisions

All commands, except for the ones in general, can be disabled by server users with the manage_server permission.

If you think you have found an error in any of the commands, please open an Issue.



Shows the user an ephemeral message with basic information about the bot.


Shows the user an ephemeral message with the invite url for the bot.

The bot can also be invited by opening its profile.

/profile [user]

Shows the profile of the given user ephemerally. If a user is not provided, shows the profile of the invoker.

This is just guess count and record for now.

/setlanguage <language>

Set a user's preferred language.

/setserverregion <region>

Set a server's default region. This is mostly useful for clan servers where the inferred region is incorrect. For more information about inferred regions, see Regions.

Requires the manage_server permission.


Shows the user an ephemeral message with session and usage data for the bot.

/toggle <command_or_category> [channel]

Locally disables or enables a command or category from this bot. If a channel is not provided, this action is global.

Requires the manage_server permission.


/build <ship>

Shows applicable builds from given a ship. If you would like to contribute a build, please contact @yurra, the creator of the document.

/clan [region] <clan>

Fetches clan information, optionally in a specified region. The following information is available:

  • Tag, Name, Description
  • Members
  • Creation Date
  • Achievement Count
  • Port Upgrades
  • Member statistics for Randoms, Co-Op, Ranked, and Clan Battles
  • Clan Battles Ratings

Additionally, this command has the shortcut myclan for linked users.

/dualrender <replay_a> <replay_b> [name_a] [name_b] [fps] [quality] [team_tracers]

Merges two *.wowsreplay files from opposing sides of the same match into a minimap timelapse.


  • name_a, name_b - The names to use for the teams. Defaults to Alpha and Bravo.
  • fps - Can be a value from 15 to 30; defaults to 20.
  • quality - Can be a value from 1 to 9; defaults to 7.
    • Higher values may require the Discord server to have Nitro boosts.
  • team_tracers - Colors tracers by their relation to the replay creator instead of shell type; defaults to false.

/guess [difficulty] [min_level] [max_level] [historical]

A silhouette guessing game based on "Who's that Pokémon?". Tests ships and other "carbon copies" are excluded from appearing here.


  • difficulty
    • easy - All similar ships are accepted.
    • normal - Similar ships of valid tiers are accepted.
    • hard - No extra help.
  • min_tier, max_tier - Tiers to restrict the answer to.
  • historical - Paper ships are excluded when this option is enabled.

/inspect <ship>

Shows basic ship information about a ship. Mostly useful for checking guess results, but may also be useful to developers.


Opens a prompt for linking Discord accounts to WG accounts.

For more information about this process, see Links.

/render <replay> [fps] [quality] [logs] [anon] [chat] [team_tracers]

Generates a minimap timelapse and more from a *.wowsreplay file.


  • fps - Can be a value from 15 to 30; defaults to 20.
  • quality - Can be a value from 1 to 9; defaults to 7.
    • Higher values may require the Discord server to have Nitro boosts.
  • logs - Additionally shows a detailed HP bar, metrics, ribbons & achievements, chat, and killfeed; defaults to true.
  • anon - Anonymizes player names in the format Player X; defaults to false. Ignored when logs is disabled.
  • chat - Shows chat; defaults to true. Ignored when logs is disabled.
  • team_tracers - Colors tracers by their relation to the replay creator instead of shell type; defaults to false.

This is a wrapper of Minimap Renderer. Issues with it should be redirected there.

/stats [region] <player> [ship]

Fetches player information, optionally in a specified region. The following information is available:

  • Username, Karma
  • Battle Count
  • Wins, Losses, and Ties
  • Survival
  • Clan, Role, and Join Date
  • Averages and Records of Metrics, including Base Experience
  • Armaments Usage

If ship is provided, then the statistics displayed will be limited to the specified ship.

If the player's profile visibility is set to hidden, limited statistics will be displayed instead. These are identical to those found in the clan members view.

Additionally, this command has the shortcut mystats for linked users.


Shows details about the latest update's maintenance times, as well as providing a URL.


/aah [hd]

Monday is coming... Now in HD!

/buki [query]

Shows a queried emoji of (Fu)buki from Kantai Collection. If a query is not provided, instead sends a random emoji.

The main server where these are hosted can be joined with this invite.



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