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Boutique Ado

B2C E-Commerce Django-based Web Application. It is a fully functional online store with a shopping cart, checkout, and payment capabilities, as well as an admin interface to manage the store.

Live Demo:


User Stories

Epic: Viewing and Navigation

  • As a Shopper, I want to be able to view a list of products so that I can select some to purchase
  • As a Shopper, I want to be able to view the details of a product so that I can identify the price, description, product rating, image and available sizes
  • As a Shopper, I want to be able to quickly identify deals, clearance items and special offers so that I can take advantage of special savings on products I'd like to purchase
  • As a Shopper, I want to be able to easily view the total of my purchases at any time so that I can avoid spending too much

Epic: Registration and User Accounts

  • As a Shopper, I want to be able to easily register for an account so that I can have a personal account and be able to view my profile
  • As a Shopper, I want to be able to easily login or logout so that I can access my personal account information
  • As a Shopper, I want to be able to easily recover my password in case I forget it so that I can recover access to my account
  • As a Shopper, I want to be able to receive an email confirmation after registering so that I can verify that my account registration was successful
  • As a Shopper, I want to be able to have a personalized user profile so that I can view my personal order history and order confirmations, and save my payment information

Epic: Sorting and Searching

  • As a Site User, I want to be able to sort the list of available products so that I can easily identify the best-rated, best-priced and categorically sorted products
  • As a Shopper, I want to be able to sort a specific category of products so that I can find the best-priced or best-rated product in a specific category or sort the products in that category by name
  • As a Shopper, I want to be able to sort multiple categories of products simultaneously so that I can find the best-priced or best-rated product across broad categories, such as "clothing" or "homeware"
  • As a Shopper, I want to be able to search for a product by name or description so that I can find a specific product I'd like to purchase
  • As a Shopper, I want to be able to easily see what I've searched for and the number of results so that I can quickly decide whether the product I want is available

Epic: Purchasing and Checkout

  • As a Shopper, I want to be able to easily select the size and quantity of a product when purchasing it, so that I can ensure I don't accidentally select the wrong product, size or quantity
  • As a Shopper, I want to be able to view items in my bag to be purchased, so that I can identify the total cost of my purchase and all items I will receive
  • As a Shopper, I want to be able to adjust the quantity of individual items in my bag, so that I can easily make changes to my purchase before checkout
  • As a Shopper, I want to be able to easily enter my payment information so that I can check out quickly and with no hassles
  • As a Shopper, I want to be able to feel my personal and payment information is safe and secure so that I can confidently provide the needed information to make a purchase
  • As a Shopper, I want to be able to view an order confirmation after checkout, so that I can verify I haven't made any mistakes
  • As a Shopper, I want to be able to receive an email confirmation after checking out, so that I can keep the confirmation of what I've purchased for my records

Epic: Admin and Store Management

  • As a Store Owner, I want to be able to add a product to the store, so that I can sell it to customers.
  • As a Store Owner, I want to be able to edit/update a product, so that I can change the price, description, image or any other attribute of the product.
  • As a Store Owner, I want to be able to delete a product, so that I can remove it from the store.


User Authentication and Authorization

  • User Registration
  • User login with email confirmation(temporarily disabled)
  • User logout

User Profile

  • Order history
  • Order email confirmation
  • Save delivery information

Store Management

  • Add product
  • Edit product
  • Delete product

List of Products

  • All products
  • Clothing products
  • Homeware products
  • Special offers

Product Details

  • Product category(clickable)
  • Product price
  • Product rating
  • Product image
  • Product Description
  • Product sizes
  • Product Quantity
  • Add to bag button


  • Search by keywords in the product name and description


  • Sort by price (ascending and descending)
  • Sort by rating (ascending and descending)
  • Sort by name (ascending and descending)
  • Sort by category (ascending and descending)

Shopping Bag

  • Add product to bag
  • Remove a product from the bag
  • View bag
  • View and adjust the number of each product in the bag
  • View a subtotal cost of each product in the bag
  • Delivery calculation
  • Grand total

Checkout (Stripe)

  • Checkout form with delivery information
  • Card payment

Technologies Used

Payment (Stripe)

Python Django - Build a user, payment and order management system

Webhooks configuration

Test card numbers for Stripe

  • Successful payment


  • Declined payments
  • 4000000000000002 - card declined

  • 4000000000009995 - insufficient funds

  • 4000000000009987 - lost card

  • 4000000000009979 - stolen card

  • 3D Secure

4000002500003155 - 3D Secure authentication required

Static Files

AWS S3 Setup

  • Create a new bucket in AWS S3:

    • Bucket name: boutique-ado
    • Region: Choose the region closest to you
    • Object ownership:
      • ACLs enabled
      • Bucket owner preferred
    • Uncheck Block all public access
    • Check 'I acknowledge ... becoming public'.
    • Create bucket
  • Bucket settings:

    • Properties:
      • Static website hosting:
        • Enable
        • Index document: index.html
        • Error document: error.html
    • Permissions:
      • CORS configuration (Paste the following code):
                "AllowedHeaders": [
                "AllowedMethods": [
                "AllowedOrigins": [
                "ExposeHeaders": []
      • Bucket policy:
        • Policy generator:
          • Select type of policy: S3 Bucket Policy
          • Principal: *
          • Actions: GetObject
          • Amazon Resource Name (ARN): Bucket ARN - Get from the Bucket policy editor arn:aws:s3:::boutique-ecommerce
          • Add statement
          • Generate policy
          • Copy the policy
          • Paste the policy in the Bucket policy editor
          • Add / to the end of the Resource key in the statement*
          • Save changes
      • Access control list:
        • Everyone:
          • Check List
  • IAM:

    • Groups
      • Create a new group without any policies attached to it yet.
      • Create a policy:
        • Service: S3

        • Select JSON

        • Select Import policy from Actions

        • Find AmazonS3FullAccess typing S3 in the search bar

        • Import

        • Go to S3 bucket settings (don't close the policy editor of the IAM group)

        • Copy the Bucket ARN from the Bucket policy editor

        • Paste the Bucket ARN in the Resource key of the policy:

          "Resource": [
        • Review policy

        • Give the policy a name: boutique-ecommerce-policy

        • Add description: Access to boutique-ecommerce S3 bucket for static files

      • Attach the policy to the group:
        • Go to the group > Permissions
        • Attach policy
        • Search for the policy name: boutique-ecommerce-policy
        • Attach policy
    • Users
      • Create a new user:
        • User name: boutique-ecommerce-staticfiles-user
        • Access type: Programmatic access
        • Next: Permissions
        • Add user to group:
          • Select the group: boutique-ecommerce-group
        • Create user
      • Retrieve credentials:
        • Go to IAM and select 'Users'
        • Select the user for whom you wish to create a CSV file.
        • Select the 'Security Credentials' tab
        • Scroll to 'Access Keys' and click 'Create access key'
        • Select 'Application running outside AWS', and click next
        • On the next screen, you can leave the 'Description tag value' blank. Click 'Create Access Key'
        • Click the 'Download .csv file' button or copy the 'Access Key ID' and 'Secret Access Key' values into a secure location.

Connecting Django to S3

  • Install boto3 and django-storages using pip:
    pip install boto3 django-storages
  • Freeze the requirements
  • Add 'storages' to INSTALLED_APPS in
  • Add AWS S3 settings to the file (see
  • Create a file called in the root directory of the project
  • Add credentials to Heroku Config Vars:

Uploading static and media files to S3

  • Delete DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC from Heroku Config Vars and deploy the app

It automatically uploads all static files to S3 using python3 collectstatic

  • Create a folder called media in the S3 bucket
  • Manually upload all media files to the media folder in the S3 bucket
  • Set Grand public-read access in the Access control list(ACL) of the media folder
  • Upload