This project contains genetic algorithm used to solve Nonlinear Transportation Problem. Algorithm is a part of bachelor's thesis. Project is written in Julia v1.1
- geneticPackage.jl - module definition (GeneticNTP)
- chromosom.jl - all functions related to Chromosom (initialization, genetic operators, etc.)
- population.jl - all functions related to population of chromosomes and algorithm (population init, selection, etc.)
- config.jl - defines structure to store configuration of population, and functions to write/read configuration files
- functions - definitions of cost functions used in nonlinear transportation problem to calculate cost of solution
- Chromosom's representation
- Genetic operators
- First version of algorithm
- Handling configuration files
- Functions to draw visualizations
- Parallel version of algorithm
- Optimization
- Final version of algorithm
- Comparsion with other algorithms