JDK 21
Optional Gradle 8.10.2 if you rather use
command instead of the./gradlew
wrapper command (that downloads Gradle for you)
The following command compiles and launch the webservice locally on port 8080:
./gradlew bootRun
To start on another port, do:
./gradlew bootRun --args="--server.port=8081"
To use IAU definitions directly from Planetary CRS registry Github repository, use the following command:
./gradlew bootRun --args="--geomatys.iau.factory.wkt.file=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pdssp/planet_crs_registry/refs/heads/main/data/result.wkts"
To compile the project without launching the service:
./gradlew build
The service offers a /crs/operation
GET and POST endpoint to query a CRS Operation source code.
GET example: http://localhost:8080/crs/operation?source=CRS:84&target=EPSG:4326&format=application/javascript
The service responsible for this operation is CRSOperationService interface. To customize behavior, replace or modify the only implementation of this interface.
To make tests that simulate the web service, inherit the AbstractIntegrationTest
It provides a web client that you can use to simulate HTTP requests to the server.