Instalar requerimientos
pip install -r requirements.txt
Se requiere tener una base de datos en mongoDB
use peacth-ac
Borrar ""
python3 makemigrations api
python3 migrate
This method calculate the dose of the patients, but it doesn't save the patient in the database
- patients/get_weekly_dosis/
- Request (application/JSON)
- Body
{ "code": "T-001", "sex": "M", "initialDate": "2009-11-30", "initialDose": 0, # Always 0 "initialINR": 1.1, "weeklyDoseInRange": 0, # Always 0 "totalDays": 534, "weight": 80.0, "height": 1.68, "imc": 28.3, "age": 69, "genetics": { "CYP2C9_2": "*1/*1", "CYP2C9_3": "*1/*1", "VKORC1": "A/A" } }
- Response (application/JSON)
{ "regressionDose": 5.742530690407449, "networkDose": 5.193664073944092 }
This method set the dose of the patients and saves it to the database
- patients/set_dose/
- Request (application/JSON)
- Body
{ "code": "T-001", "sex": "M", "initialDate": "2009-11-30", "initialDose": 6.0, # With the chosen dose "initialINR": 1.1, "weeklyDoseInRange": 0, # Always 0 "totalDays": 534, "weight": 80.0, "height": 1.68, "imc": 28.3, "age": 69, "genetics": { "CYP2C9_2": "*1/*1", "CYP2C9_3": "*1/*1", "VKORC1": "A/A" } }
- Response (application/JSON)
{ "message" : "Dosis fijada correctamente.", "initialDose": 5.742530690407449 }
This method obtains the info of a pacient with a code
- patients/{code}
- Response
{ "code": "T-001", "sex": "M", "initialDate": "2009-11-30", "initialDose": 6.0, "initialINR": 1.1, "weeklyDoseInRange": 10.0, "totalDays": 534, "weight": 80.0, "height": 1.68, "imc": 28.3, "age": 69, "genetics": { "CYP2C9_2": "*1/*1", "CYP2C9_3": "*1/*1", "VKORC1": "A/A" } }
- patients/T-001/genetic_analysis/
- Response (application JSON)
{ "CYP2C9": { "CYP2C9*2": "Heterocigoto", "CYP2C9*3": "Heterocigoto", "resp": "El genotipo del paciente corresponde a un metabolizador intermedio (IM)" }, "VKORC1": { "Alelo": "Doble mutado (A/A)", "resp": "El genotipo del paciente se relaciona con una menor dosis de Acenocumarol" } }
- patients/{code}/patient_profile/
- Response (application JSON)
{ "clinic": { "_id": "60f1ec92e7be8e6f7e378c16", "code": "T-003", "sex": "M", "initialDate": "2009-01-19", "initialDose": 12.0, "initialINR": 2.0, "weeklyDoseInRange": 10.0, "totalDays": 94, "weight": 0.0, "height": 0.0, "imc": 0.0, "age": 64, "genetics": { "CYP2C9_2": "*1/*1", "CYP2C9_3": "*1/*1", "VKORC1": "A/A" } }, "genetic": { "CYP2C9": { "rs1799853": "Ausente", "rs1057910": "Ausente", "Observaciones": "El genotipo del paciente corresponde a un metabolizador extensivo o silvestre (EM)" }, "VKORC1": { "rs9923231": "Doble mutado (A/A)", "Observaciones": "El genotipo del paciente se relaciona con una menor dosis de Acenocumarol" } } "historicINR": { "dates": [ "30/11/2009", "30/12/2009", "30/01/2010", "30/03/2010" ], "inrValues": [ 3.4, 3.7, 3.2, 3.0 ], "doseValues": [ 0, 66.0, 50.0, 40.0 ] } }
This method allows us to see all the information about medical checks.
- clinical_control/
- Response (application JSON)
{ "_id": "60f1e93f08956a1ceb4ffb5a", "patientCode": "T-999", "controlDate": "2009-11-30", "arrivalDose": 0.0, "updatedDose": 9.929399471052776, "arrivalINR": 1.1, "inrInRange": false }
This method save the information about patient's medical checks
- clinical_control/register_visit/
- Request (application/JSON)
- Body
{ "patientCode": "T-999", "controlDate": "2009-11-30", "arrivalDose": 0.0, "updatedDose": 9.929399471052776, "arrivalINR": 1.1, "inrInRange": false }
- Body
- Response (application/JSON)
{ "message": "Saved Succesfully" }
- clinical_control/{patientCode}/get_last/
- Response (application/JSON)
{ "_id": "61a4492543dcb6d6e9221657", "patientCode": "Q-001", "controlDate": "2010-03-28", "arrivalDose": 11.0, "updatedDose": 12.0, "arrivalINR": 2.5, "inrInRange": false }
This method allow us change the current parameters of the pharmacogenetics algorithm
- LogWTDparameters/set_parametres/set_parametres/
- Request (application/JSON)
- Body
{ "p_0": 3.081, "p_men": 0.167, "p_age": 0.0081, "p_initialINR": 0.055, "p_imc": 0.013, "p_CYP2C9_12": 0.107, "p_CYP2C9_13": 0.323, "p_CYP2C9_33": 0.746, "p_VKORC1_GA": 0.27, "p_VKORC1_AA": 0.701, "r_squared": 0.5147 }
- Body
- Response (application/JSON)
{ "message": "Parametres updated Succesfully" }
This method allow us change the current parameters of the pharmacogenetics algorithm
- LogWTDparameters/get_last/get_last
- Response (application/JSON)
{ "_id": "60f1ee881f69782bda74a492", "p_0": 3.081, "p_men": 0.167, "p_age": 0.0081, "p_initialINR": 0.055, "p_imc": 0.013, "p_CYP2C9_12": 0.107, "p_CYP2C9_13": 0.323, "p_CYP2C9_33": 0.746, "p_VKORC1_GA": 0.27, "p_VKORC1_AA": 0.701, "r_squared": 0.5147 }
- LogWTDparameters/multivariable_regression/
- Response (application/JSON)
{ "message": "Los parámetros no se actualizaron debido a que el r2 es menor a la regresión actual", "params": { "p_0": 4.8519927925716475, "p_men": 0.22211275448247525, "p_age": -0.012814841488389746, "p_initialINR": -0.0784394288974603, "p_imc": 0.008287360486787231, "p_CYP2C9_12": -0.17796969096743442, "p_CYP2C9_13": -0.45815491317751467, "p_CYP2C9_33": -1.1406527502812869, "p_VKORC1_GA": -0.418752414756341, "p_VKORC1_AA": -1.0545597169772143, "r_squared": 0.5116452670520679 } }
- models_analysis/
- Response (application/JSON)
[ { "_id": "61a2c16a323df109b65afde1", "code": "T-001", "network_result": 9.929399471052776, "regression_result": 9.107564926147461, "network_error": 0.08924350738525391, "regression_error": 0.007060052894722446, "final_dose": 10.0, "is_treatement_done": true }, { "_id": "61a2c16b323df109b65afde2", "code": "T-002", "network_result": 11.289803802260646, "regression_result": 8.968988418579102, "network_error": 0.5017228656344943, "regression_error": 0.3727886776521863, "final_dose": 18.0, "is_treatement_done": true }, { "_id": "61a2c16c323df109b65afde3", "code": "T-003", "network_result": 6.81141580885468, "regression_result": 11.417252540588379, "network_error": 0.1417252540588379, "regression_error": 0.31885841911453194, "final_dose": 10.0, "is_treatement_done": true }, ... ]
- Parameters + gen (string) : the gene for which information is required
This method get information needed to plot boxplot
- distributions/boxplot/{gen}
- Response (application/JSON)
[ { "label": "A/A", "value": [ -0.75, 6.0, 8.0, 10.5, 17.25 ] }, { "label": "G/A", "value": [ 0.5, 11.0, 13.25, 18.0, 28.5 ] }, { "label": "G/G", "value": [ 2.0, 14.0, 18.0, 22.0, 34.0 ] } ]
This methos get information for distribution plots
- distributions/frequency/{gen}
- Response (application/JSON)
{ "labels": [ "G/A", "G/G", "A/A" ], "frequency": [ 154, 84, 65 ] }
This method trains the neural network
- LogWTDparameters/neural_network
- Response (application/JSON)
{ "is_updated" : True, "loss": "9.88%", "updated_at_at": "27/10/2021 01:16:50" "message": "Red neuronal actualizada." }
This method trains the neural network
- LogWTDparameters/get_last_neural_network/
- Response (application/JSON)
{ "loss": "9.88%", "created_at": "27/10/2021 01:16:50" }
This method send an email to some addressee
- api/send_email/
- Request (application/JSON)
- Body
{ "email": "", "totalDosis" : 1, "patient" : "T-001" }
- Response (application/JSON)
{ 'response' : 'correo enviado con exito' }
- api/medical/register/
- Request (application/JSON)
- Body
{ "email": "", "password": "test", "name": "Cosme", "last_name": "Fulanito", "registry_number": "1234", "rut": "12345678-9" }
- Response (application/JSON)
{ "_id": "61a6a1c0b9ba261409f0f662", "email": "", "name": "Cosme", "last_name": "Fulanito", "registry_number": "123456", "rut": "12345678-9" }
- api/laboratory_worker/register/
- Request (application/JSON)
- Body
{ "email": "", "password": "test", "name": "Cosme", "last_name": "Fulanito" }
- Response (application/JSON)
{ "_id": "61a6a261b9ba261409f0f663", "email": "", "password": "test", "name": "Cosme", "last_name": "Fulanito" }
- api/medical/login/
- Request (application/JSON)
- Body
{ "email": "", "password": "test" }
- Response (application/JSON)
{ "jwt": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9. eyJydXQiOiIxMjM0NTY3OC05IiwibmFtZSI6IkNvc21lIiwibGFzdF9uYW1lIjoiRnVsYW5pdG8iLCJ0eXBlIjoibWVkaWNhbF9zdGFmZiJ9.vK2ikOEAIBVr3y2ufI4cTXPTF3H3BYGkWlTnHJAWkmY" }
- api/laboratory_worker/login/
- Request (application/JSON)
- Body
{ "email": "", "password": "test" }
- Response (application/JSON)
{ "jwt": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9. eyJydXQiOiIxMjM0NTY3OC05IiwibmFtZSI6IkNvc21lIiwibGFzdF9uYW1lIjoiRnVsYW5pdG8iLCJ0eXBlIjoibWVkaWNhbF9zdGFmZiJ9.vK2ikOEAIBVr3y2ufI4cTXPTF3H3BYGkWlTnHJAWkmY" }
- api/medical/logout/
- Response (application/JSON)
{ "message": "Logout success" }
- api/laboratory_worker/logout/
- Response (application/JSON)
{ "message": "Logout success" }