##About BC Skills: An Open Source Boston College Platform
BC Skills is an open source platform built by Boston College students for Boston College students. This project has two main goals: to help connect technical and entrepreneurial students to build new start ups, and teach students how to collaborate through open source applications.
###Forking This Repository Fork this repository by using the following Git command:
git clone git@github.com:pcas00/bc_css_sandbox.git
If you want a quick tutorial on how to fork, click here.
If you need help getting started with GitHub, click here to learn more.
Setting up on mac? check out this guide
###Importing Test Database Data This applicaton uses a MySQL backend. To import dummy data, after forking this repository, import the database.sql file located in the root directory of this application.
To learn about installing MySQL on any computer, click here to visit a MySQL download web site. (View coming soon!)
###Installing Database With CodeIgniter Once you have forked the PHP application and installed your MySQL database with dummy data, you will need to connect it to the application! This can be done by navigating to the Application folder, then opening the Config folder, and then opening the Database.php file.
You will only be concerned with editing the following lines of code:
$db['default']['hostname'] = 'hostnamehere'; //Usually localhost $db['default']['username'] = 'usernamehere'; //May be root $db['default']['password'] = 'yourpasswordhere'; //Whatever password you chose to setup the database $db['default']['database'] = 'yourdatabasenamehere'; //Name of the database. We used css for "computer science society"!
Save this file, and open it on your local server
###Installing a Local Server ####Mac Users If you are running a Mac, you can easiy setup a PHP Apache environment by clicking here and checking out this tutorial.
####Windows Users If you are running Windows, an easy way to install a local server is by using WAMP. Click here to view installation instructions and get started quickly.
Once you have WAMP installed, place the source code into the www folder of WAMP (usually C:\wamp\www). Next start the server and click on the icon that appears in the Quick Launch area of the taskbar. Click on PHP -> PHP Settings and make sure php_pdo_pgsql and php_pgsql are checked. If they are not, then click them to install the extension.
Note: If apache is unable to load after the extensions have been enabled, copy the file libpq.dll from your C:\wamp\php folder into C:\wamp\apache\bin and restart the server. See issue here
Please make an effort to enhance the functionality of this application! We encourage everyone, of any skill level, to try and extend features, fix bugs, or enhance documentation. If you know how to do something better, share it!
Make sure you do not commit your project settings, local files that do not belong in the repository, or configuration settings. These pull requests will have to be rejected.
##Getting Help If you need help getting started, do not hesitate to contact Peter Casinelli at peter.casinelli@bc.edu . If you have questions regarding how Codeigniter or MySQL works, or particular functionality, please refer to the documentation help below!
This PHP application is being built using an open source PHP framework called Codeigniter. If you have general questions about code being used, you can always refer to Codeigniter's documentation here.
For documentation regarding MySQL databases, click here visit the documentation web page.