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A Discord bot that allows for the democratic pinning of messages.


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Discord Starboard Bot

Discord Twitter Follow

A Discord bot that allows for the democratic pinning of messages.



  1. Follow the instructions in create-discord-bot.

    Don't forget to give your bot the Manage Webhooks permission!

  2. Download this bot and move the src-discord-starboard-bot folder into the /src/bots folder from step 1.

  3. Open config.json to configure your own settings:

        "guildId": "258167954913361930",
        "channelId": "752760008483012639",
        "reactionThreshold": 2,
        "votePolicy": "hidden",
        "upvote": {
          "emojis": ["", "⬆️"],
          "overrideEmojis": ["🌟"],
          "overrideUserIds": [],
          "overrideRoleIds": ["759669237789753355"]
        "downvote": {
          "emojis": ["⬇️"],
          "overrideEmojis": [""],
          "overrideUserIds": ["206161807491072000"],
          "overrideRoleIds": []
        "pinnedIndicator": {
          "message": "{1}'s message was pinned to {2}.",
          "pingUser": true
        "embed": {
          "color": "ffac33",
          "footerText": "Starboard",
          "jumpText": "link",
          "renderJumpLink": true
        "ignore": {
          "rules": true,
          "nsfw": false,
          "self": true,
          "botMessage": false,
          "channelIds": ["649020657522180128"]

    You can have multiple starboards in one server! Simply add more rule objects inside the config.json file. The only requirement is that all the emojis between each rule must be unique.

    • guildId is the server you wish to enable starboard for.

    • channelId is the text channel you wish to be the starboard.

    • reactionThreshold is the number of reactions needed before the message gets pinned.

    • votePolicy must be one of the following strings:

      • public: Reaction count is allowed to accumulate without bot interference. Anyone can see the total reaction counts.
      • private: Bot removes all user reactions and replaces it with its own. Vote count is not visible but the bot's reaction lets users know that someone has reacted.
      • hidden: Bot removes all user reactions. Vote count is not visible at all.
    • upvote/downvote

      • emojis are the reaction emojis the bot tracks. The message gets pinned when the count difference between upvotes and downvotes is greater than or equal to the reactionThreshold. An emoji can be:

        • A unicode emoji. is a good reference to copy and paste from.

          "😳", "🥺", // etc
        • An emoji ID for custom emojis. You can get a custom emoji's ID by sending \:YourCustomEmoji: in chat (prefix a backslash \ character in front of your desired emoji).

          "716344914706694165", "622635442013208589", // etc
      • overrideEmojis are the reaction emojis that automatically pins the message (upvote) or prevents the pinning of the message (downvote) no matter what the count was at.

      • overrideUserIds are the users who can use overrideEmojis.

      • overrideRoleIds are the roles whose assigned users can use overrideEmojis.

      Leave downvote's array options empty [] if you wish to not use the downvote logic.

    • pinnedIndicator

      • message is the string the bot sends post-pin in the channel where the original message is.
        • Use {1} to mention the user whose message was pinned and use {2} to mention the starboard channel (it uses channelId).
        • If blank, a post-pin message will not be sent.
      • pingUser determines whether message pings the user (true) or not (false).
        • The bot makes a quick message edit to mention the user, thus avoiding the ping.
    • embed

      • color is the color of the embed.
      • footerText is the text rendered at the footer of the embed.
      • jumpText is the hyperlink text rendered to jump to the message.
      • renderJumpLink determines whether the hyperlink text renders (true) or not (false).
    • ignore

      • rules determines whether override users can ignore all the rules listed below (true) or not (false).
      • nsfw determines whether the bot ignores NSFW channels (true) or not (false).
      • self determines whether the bot ignores reactions made by the message's author (true) or not (false).
      • botMessage determines whether the bot ignores bot messages (true) or not (false).
      • channelIds are the text channels the bot ignores.
  4. npm start to run the bot.

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