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Releases: phpfui/ORM

insertOrUpdate default values

23 Dec 00:24
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Fixed updating fields with default values on update section of insertOrUpdate

Stricter Types

11 Dec 23:53
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  • IN and NOTIN operator classes now require an array
  • Table::updateFromTable only update provided fields

PHP 8.3

23 Nov 15:22
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PHP 8.3

Explain support

16 Nov 20:02
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  • Added \PHPFUI\ORM\Table::getExplainRows to return the database dependent query information
  • SQL statements now have better pretty printing for human readability.

insertOrUpdate does not zero primary key on update

19 Oct 15:11
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  • insertOrUpdate no longer sets the primary key of the updated record to zero.
  • Better RelatedRecord class to accommodate non-standard naming conventions with the ability to pass the field to use.

Construct Record from DataObject

30 Sep 19:37
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  • Provide an easy way to convert an untyped DataObject to a typed Record

Not (!) operator for validators

01 Aug 19:52
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  • Use the Not (!) operator in front of any validation rule to negate it. Includes new translations for ! operator.
  • Cursors now use a zero based index to match arrays (instead of one based)
  • PHPStan Level 6

OR operator on validations

17 Jul 20:17
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OR Operator for Validations
You can validate a field if any one of the validators passes. Use the vertical bar (|) to separate validators. If one of the validators passes, then the the field is valid.

String primary keys are not type changed

28 Jun 15:50
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String primary keys are not type changed due to MySQL not caring about types.

getPrimaryKeys returns simple array

28 Jun 15:41
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getPrimaryKeys() now returns a simple array containing just the primary key fields and not an associative array index by field names.

Definition namespace will need to be regenerated.