Releases: phpfui/ORM
Releases · phpfui/ORM
insertOrUpdate default values
Fixed updating fields with default values on update section of insertOrUpdate
Stricter Types
- IN and NOTIN operator classes now require an array
- Table::updateFromTable only update provided fields
PHP 8.3
Explain support
- Added \PHPFUI\ORM\Table::getExplainRows to return the database dependent query information
- SQL statements now have better pretty printing for human readability.
insertOrUpdate does not zero primary key on update
- insertOrUpdate no longer sets the primary key of the updated record to zero.
- Better RelatedRecord class to accommodate non-standard naming conventions with the ability to pass the field to use.
Construct Record from DataObject
- Provide an easy way to convert an untyped DataObject to a typed Record
Not (!) operator for validators
- Use the Not (!) operator in front of any validation rule to negate it. Includes new translations for ! operator.
- Cursors now use a zero based index to match arrays (instead of one based)
- PHPStan Level 6
OR operator on validations
OR Operator for Validations
You can validate a field if any one of the validators passes. Use the vertical bar (|) to separate validators. If one of the validators passes, then the the field is valid.
String primary keys are not type changed
String primary keys are not type changed due to MySQL not caring about types.
getPrimaryKeys returns simple array
getPrimaryKeys() now returns a simple array containing just the primary key fields and not an associative array index by field names.
Definition namespace will need to be regenerated.