Releases: phpfui/ORM
Releases · phpfui/ORM
Clear parameters between validations
- Invalid parameters could be passed to subsequent validators
- Phone number cleaning allows spaces as valid characters
Better Primary Key support
This release requires models to be regenerated.
- Better Primary Key support
- Better find logic for strings
- Improved duplicate row deletion for migrations
save() method and updated docs
V1.1.10 Code style
V1.1.9 Table::insertOrIgnore
Delete Children records on delete
- Children defined using the Children class will automatically be deleted when the parent is deleted.
- This is a recursive call so the entire child tree will be deleted.
- Set $deleteChildren static field to false in the Record to disable.
Cast Virtual Field
Cast virtual field allows for support of types. Example: Carbon dates.
Group By and Order By field cleaning
- Clean group by and order by field names, as they can not use placeholders, to help prevent injection attacks
- Migration testing
- Better default field generation
Mass insert for Table
- Implemented Table::insert(array[\PHPFUI\ORM\Record]) for mass inserts
- RelatedRecords are now settable if they have the correct type on assignment
- Improved Generate\CRUD to only create docblock for defined related records
- Update docs
Field Comparison Validators
New validators compare against other record fields:
- eq_field, Equal to field
- gt_field, Greater Than field
- gte_field, Greater Than or Equal to field
- lt_field, Less Than field
- lte_field, Less Than or Equal to field
- neq_field, Not Equal to field
These validators compare against values:
- equal, Value must be equal
- not_equal, Value must not be equal
More validators
Added the following validators:
- starts_with
- ends_with
- contains
- istarts_with (case insensitive)
- iends_with (case insensitive)
- icontains (case insensitive)