open Falco
open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder
let wapp = WebApplication.Create()
wapp.Run(Response.ofPlainText "Hello world")
Falco is a toolkit for building functional-first, full-stack web applications using F#.
- Built on the high-performance components of ASP.NET Core.
- Seamlessly integrates with existing .NET Core middleware and libraries.
- Designed to be simple, lightweight and easy to learn.
- Simple and powerful routing API.
- Uniform API for accessing any request data.
- Native F# view engine.
- Asynchronous request handling.
- Authentication and security utilities.
- Built-in support for large uploads and binary responses.
- Provide a toolset to build full-stack web application in F#.
- Should be simple, extensible and integrate with existing .NET libraries.
- Can be easily learned.
The best way to get started is by visiting the documentation. For questions and support please use discussions. For chronological updates refer to the changelog is the best place to find chronological updates.
- Falco.Markup - an XML markup module primary used as the syntax for authoring HTML with Falco.
- Falco.Htmx - a full featured integration with htmx JS package.
- Falco.OpenApi - a library for generating OpenAPI documentation from Falco applications.
- Falco.Template - a .NET SDK project template to help get started with Falco quickly.
- CloudSeed - a simple, scalable project boilerplate for F# / .NET.
- Falco GraphQL Sample - A sample showing how to use GraphQL on Falco using .NET 6.
- Falco API with Tests Sample - A sample project using Falco and unit testing.
- Falco + SQLite + Donald - A demo project using Falco, Donald, and SQLite
- FShopOnWeb - An adaptation of the classic ASP.NET Core sample application using Falco and an F# architecture.
- Hamilton Greene - Spin up a Fullstack F# WebApp in 10 minutes with the CloudSeed Project Template
- Hamilton Greene - Why I'm Ditching F# + Giraffe For Falco For Building WebApps
- Istvan - Running ASP.Net web application with Falco on AWS Lambda
- Hamilton Greene - Build a Fullstack Webapp with F# + Falco
- Hamilton Greene - Build a Single-File Web API with F# + Falco
- Hamilton Greene - Why I'm Ditching F# + Giraffe For Falco For Building WebApps
- Ben Gobeil - Why I'm Using Falco Instead Of Saturn | How To Switch Your Backend In SAFE Stack | StonkWatch Ep.13
We kindly ask that before submitting a pull request, you first submit an issue or open a discussion.
If functionality is added to the API, or changed, please kindly update the relevant document. Unit tests must also be added and/or updated before a pull request can be successfully merged.
Only pull requests which pass all build checks and comply with the general coding standard can be approved.
If you have any further questions, submit an issue or open a discussion or reach out on Twitter.
Kestrel has been a game changer for the .NET web stack. In the animal kingdom, "Kestrel" is a name given to several members of the falcon genus. Also known as "Falco".
There's an issue for that.
Licensed under Apache License 2.0.