- CLI and JS library support ✔
- Library API backward compatible with mitata up to version 0.1.14 ✔
- Benchmark latency and throughput ✔
- Support for sync and async benchmark ✔
- Advanced benchmark statistics: significance, error margin, variance, standard deviation, p-quantiles, ... ✔
- Multiple JS runtime support at zero cost abstraction (primary support for node, deno, bun and browsers but works with all JS runtime) ✔
- Support for CommonJS, ESM and TypeScript ✔
- Library installation
- Library usage example
- CLI installation
- CLI standalone binary
- CLI usage examples
- Development
- License
npm install tatami-ng
npx jsr add @poolifier/tatami-ng
deno add @poolifier/tatami-ng
Deno versions >= 1.40.x are supported.
The --allow-hrtime
permission flag is recommended to allow high-resolution time measurement with Deno v1.x.x.
bun add tatami-ng
bunx jsr add @poolifier/tatami-ng
Bun versions >= 1.x are supported.
<script type="module">
import {
} from 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/tatami-ng@0.8.14/dist/browser/index.js'
// adapt import to the targeted JS runtime
import { baseline, bench, bmf, group, run } from 'tatami-ng'
bench('noop', () => {})
bench('noop2', () => {})
group('group', () => {
baseline('baseline', () => {})
bench('Date.now()', () => {
bench('performance.now()', () => {
group({ name: 'group2', summary: false }, () => {
bench('new Array(0)', () => {
new Array(0)
bench('new Array(1024)', () => {
new Array(1024)
await run({
units: false, // print units cheatsheet (default: false)
silent: false, // enable/disable stdout output (default: false)
json: false, // enable/disable json output or set json output indentation (default: false)
reporter: bmf // custom reporter function (default: undefined)
file: 'results.json', // write json output to file (default: undefined)
colors: true, // enable/disable colors (default: true)
now: () => 1e6 * performance.now(), // custom nanoseconds timestamp function to replace default one (default: undefined)
samples: 128, // minimum number of benchmark samples (default: 128)
time: 1_000_000_000, // minimum benchmark execution time in nanoseconds (default: 1_000_000_000)
warmup: true, // enable/disable benchmark warmup or set benchmark warmup run(s) (default: true)
warmupTime: 250_000_000, // minimum warmup execution time in nanoseconds (default: 250_000_000)
latency: true, // enable/disable time/iter column (default: true)
throughput: true, // enable/disable iters/s column (default: true)
latencyMinMax: true, // enable/disable latency (min...max) column (default: true)
latencyPercentiles: false, // enable/disable latency percentile columns (default: true)
The tests directory contains more examples.
npm install tatami-ng -g
deno install -g --allow-read --allow-run --allow-sys -n tatami npm:tatami-ng
bun add tatami-ng -g
Ensure the global installation directory is in your path:
- Unix:
- Windows: TODO
In the cloned repository root directory, run:
bun build:cli:deno
bun build:cli:bun
The standalone binary in ./dist/<runtime_name>
can be moved to a directory in your path.
tatami --help
tatami --bench 'hexdump <file>' --bench 'xxd <file>'
The JavaScript runtime environment used for development is bun.
MIT © evanwashere, Jerome Benoit