I'm a Sofware Developer in between of two worlds! I love to do Machine Learning but I also have a lot of fun doing Software Development 🙃. Here it is a little bit about me:
- 🌱 I’m currently learning about software architectures.
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on cool projects! Lately, I've got some interest in financial ML ones.
- 🥅 2022 Goals: work on a reinforcement learning project!
- ⚡ Fun fact: I do really love football ⚽ and Dark Souls games.
During my college years I learned , it was my first programming language and the one who accompanied me in learning all about computer science!
My first job was on computer vision projects, using mainly . And from that, I started to learn about Machine Learning! I introduced myself into
and worked with
. Lately, I've been doing, in my free time and also at work, some full-stack development. So, I've learned about
. And I've been doing code for
for the backend and
for the frontend!
I'm passionate about stock markets and economics so when I'm not working on other projects, I usually spend some time developing tools for backtesting on using tools like
or reading books!
Related to software development, I've started to learn about , I felt in love of its concept of ownership and borrowing and I'm thinking on doing some backend development using it. I'm also doing some projects using
, learning about was something that was on my mind...
On the Machine Learning side, I'm putting some effort on reinforcement learning . I've dealt with Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing and even Time Series projects and now it is time to learn something about RL!
I love to learn about cool topics and interesting technologies! As I said before I'm between two worlds. I do really love to do Machine Learning but this last years I've found a lot of fun doing full-stack development 😄.