MSM Shows minecraft server MOTD and server infos
npm i minecraft-server-motd
npm i
npm install
npm run build
npm run start
// Import the protocol module from index (root)
import protocol from "./";
// Create a variable
const host = "";
const port = 25565;
protocol(host, port)
.then((response) => {
// Your logic..
* Response will be generated something like below
* {
isOnline: true,
favicon: '....,
motd: {
raw: '§f §aHypixel Network §c[1.8-1.20]§f\n' +
' §5§lNEW PTL GAME: §d§lSHEEP WARS §7| §b§lSB 0.20.2',
html: '<span><span style="color: #FFFFFF;"> </span><span style="color: #55FF55;">Hypixel Network </span><span style="color: #FF5555;">[1.8-1.20]</span><span style="color: #FFFFFF;">\n' +
' </span><span style="color: #AA00AA; font-weight: bold;">NEW PTL GAME: </span><span style="color: #FF55FF; font-weight: bold;">SHEEP WARS </span><span style="color: #AAAAAA;">| </span><span style="color: #55FFFF; font-weight: bold;">SB 0.20.2</span></span>'
maxPlayers: 200000,
playerCount: 30191
.catch((error) => {
// Your logic here