Meta-Creativity a web-based Metaverse using out of the box Avatar generation tool for users to enter and experience
Deployed on
CREDITS-Nitu Kumari
Frontend -> React JS, BootStrap, A-Frame, Three.js, ammo.js
Backend -> Node JS & Express JS
Database-> MongoDB
git clone
- install backend packages
cd server npm install
- install frontend packages
cd client npm install
- Metaverse
run live server in VS Code
go to the parent folder of mern-ecommerce & create .env for connection, JWT_SECRET, MDB_CONNECT
cd MetaCommerceWebsite sudo nano .env
(ctrl+x to save & nano follow instruction there)
1.Metaverse 3D space shared by Multiple users.
2.Generation of Personalised 3D Avatar , users would also have option to use their photographs for the creation of 3D Avatar, and can select and change different aspects for Avatar.
3.Add to cart and checkout feature for a particular product is available.
4.Search feature enables the user , to search a particular product from a large heap .
5.Faster Implementation.
6.Metaverse based Realistic UI.
7.Ability to view and Analyse products in 3-Dimensional space.
8.Next-gen Futuristic Metaverse Shopping experience