WAAutoResponder is WhatsApp Chat Auto Reply Bot made for Automation with WhatsApp. It help to Add custom commands for reply.
- Easy to Use
- No Root Required
- Customisable
WAAutoResponder uses Notification Apis of Android to Reply through Notifications of Received Messages. So Make Sure Chats Are not Mute.
Just Build and Install it on your phone along with WhatsApp and Open it.
Non Rooted Version have its own remedies so in future i might come up with Rooted Version. Rooted Version will have more Access to WhatsApp Data to add some cool new Options.
Yes its not complete yet. Access to whatsapp chat data is limited right now.
- This project is NOT affiliated or approved by WhatsApp Inc.
- As you might know WhatsApp Inc. is not supporting any kind of Bot though WhatsApp Business Version have its own bot apis, so there are chances of Ban using it. But as It is repling through Notification it act as legit action so chances are less.
GNU General Public License v3.0