Migrate TC-DGETH_2_2 test from yaml to python #114554
Triggered via pull request
February 11, 2025 11:33
Total duration
57m 12s
on: pull_request
Build on Linux (gcc_debug)
56m 47s
Build on Linux (fake, gcc_release, clang, simulated)
48m 35s
Build on Linux (python_lib)
20m 3s
Build on Linux (python lighting-app)
5m 10s
Build on Darwin (clang, simulated)
47m 25s
Build on Linux (coverage)
18m 41s
10 warnings
Build on Linux (python lighting-app)
Volume mount /:/runner-root-volume is going to mount '/' into the container which may cause file ownership change in the entire file system and cause Actions Runner to lose permission to access the disk.
Build on Linux (python lighting-app)
`pre` execution is not supported for local action from './.github/actions/checkout-submodules-and-bootstrap'
Build on Linux (coverage)
`pre` execution is not supported for local action from './.github/actions/checkout-submodules-and-bootstrap'
Build on Linux (python_lib)
`pre` execution is not supported for local action from './.github/actions/checkout-submodules-and-bootstrap'
Build on Linux (python_lib)
Volume mount /:/runner-root-volume is going to mount '/' into the container which may cause file ownership change in the entire file system and cause Actions Runner to lose permission to access the disk.
Build on Darwin (clang, simulated)
`pre` execution is not supported for local action from './.github/actions/checkout-submodules-and-bootstrap'
Build on Linux (fake, gcc_release, clang, simulated)
`pre` execution is not supported for local action from './.github/actions/checkout-submodules-and-bootstrap'
Build on Linux (fake, gcc_release, clang, simulated)
Volume mount /:/runner-root-volume is going to mount '/' into the container which may cause file ownership change in the entire file system and cause Actions Runner to lose permission to access the disk.
Build on Linux (gcc_debug)
Volume mount /:/runner-root-volume is going to mount '/' into the container which may cause file ownership change in the entire file system and cause Actions Runner to lose permission to access the disk.
Build on Linux (gcc_debug)
`pre` execution is not supported for local action from './.github/actions/checkout-submodules-and-bootstrap'