Talk-a-tive is a Full Stack Chatting App. Uses for real-time communication and stores user details in encrypted format in MongoDB Database.
- Client: React JS
- Server: Node JS, Express JS
- Database: MongoDB
- Others:, bcrypt JS, mongoose
- Authentication: Secure user login and registration.
- Real-Time Chatting: Instant messaging with typing indicators.
- One-to-One Chat: Private conversations between users.
- Group Chats: Create and manage group conversations.
- Search Users: Find and connect with other users.
- Notifications: Real-time alerts for new messages and activities.
- Add or Remove Users from Group: Manage group memberships.
- View User Profiles: Access and view other users' profiles.

Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd TalkATive
Install dependencies
npm install
cd frontend/ npm install
Create a .env file in the root directory
MONGO_URI=your_mongo_uri JWT_SECRET=your_jwt_secret
Start the server
npm run start
Start the Client
cd frontend npm start
For any inquiries or feedback, please contact me at LinkedIn.