SOTER, the first host-based malware infection detector tailored for IoT devices.
SOTER features both early and lightweight detections.
Set up virtual devices []
Collect honeypot logs []
Dataset includes follwing collections:
- BinaryDataset - includes 29,309 malicious binaries.
- ScriptDataset - includes 3,439 malicious Linux shell scripts and 9,337 benign firmware scripts.
- OpenWrtLogs - includes 352,016 successful OpenWrt infection logs. Collected from 180 high-fidelity software (virtual) IoT devices (as honeypots) on public clouds across the globe at 32 geographically different locations for one month.
The extracting password is: soter
This directory contains the source code of SOTER.
Under the ./Source Code/fs directory/ is the hook.
Copy and past those files to your kernel source code under linux/fs
Note: This is for linux-4.4.194.
Under the ./Source Code/loadable_module/ directory is classifier.
This is the Loadable Kernel Module (LKM).
Run make to compile it.
Note: you need proper built system (such as Buildroot) to compile this LKM.
Under the ./Source Code/build/ includes an exmaple of how to build SOTER in Raspbian (Raspberry Pi OS).